Acts of Hajj for which purity is a condition

17-9-2014 | IslamWeb


Praise be to Allah, I performed the rituals of Hajj, but some small drops of urine used to come out of me. I am thinking about this ever since I returned from Hajj. Is my Hajj accepted or not? Should I repeat the Hajj, in spite of its great expenses, or is there an expiation that I should observe. Please advise.


All perfect praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is His slave and Messenger.

We say to the questioner: Your Hajj is valid, Allah willing, so ask Allah for acceptance. Stop thinking about these drops. Tawaf (circumambulation) is the only pillar and obligation of Hajj for which being free from major and minor states of impurity, as well as purity of clothes and body, is a condition. Scholars hold different opinions concerning this condition. Some of them hold purity a condition; others view that it is not, while yet others differentiated between ritual purity and actual purity (not affected by any impure substances).

We do not know whether these drops were discharged during tawaf or at any other time. Moreover, do you suffer from urine incontinence, as appears from your statement? Anyway, as long as you have finished your Hajj and completed your rituals and returned to your country, we can say with reassurance that your Hajj is valid. Allah has not placed any difficulty for you in your religion. So do not pay attention to that matter and do not exhaust yourself thinking about it.

Allah Knows best.