Unable to be friendly with her sister-in-law

3-3-2008 | IslamWeb


Salam Alaykom My husband's sister moved to live with us, temporarily until she finishes her school she helps me with kids and the household work,the problem is that I don't treat her the way I should. At the beginning we were like friends then 2 months later things started to change. I don't feel that we have anything in common or that I can get along with her, so I always pretend to be busy reading or working rather than talking to her. she misses her family , she visits them once a year (we live distant), and I feel that she feels bored and lonely, but I swear to Allah I can't get a long with her, or chat with her. I have never told her that or even my hsband, but she feels that I changed. I always think that she is not being herself, pretends to be someone else, even when she laughs it is not a natural laugh. She would lie and tell me what I wan to hear not the truth and that is what makes me hates her (not honest with me) the problem is when my husband get mad at her due to bad grades or others, he yells in her face and pushes her , I watch that and don't stop him of doing it, I feel that she deserves it. at this point I see her full of flaws, I can't see anything that makes me like or even accept her, I feel so terrible that I think this way, I am a practicing Muslim alhamdoillah, and I don't want to be like this, I want to change without paying attention to her fake personality. By the way could that be (sihr) made for us?, since her family once found (sihr) in their house made by their neighbors to have her parents divorced.


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is His slave and Messenger.


If this girl behaves in a strange way, then this may be due to magic and it may be due to something else. If you predominantly think that she is affected by magic, then you may perform Ruqyah on her. For more benefit, please refer to Fatwa 82918.

You should know that Islam urges Muslims to be affectionate and friendly, especially if there is a family relationship, like being an in-law and the like.

Since this girl is your sister in-law, then among being kind to your husband is that you should be kind to his sister as well. It seems that you are not sure that she lies or pretends to be someone else. If she really lies, then it is her right upon you that you advise her. Therefore, we advise you to treat her well and not let the devil spoil the relationship between you, as this may lead to some disadvantages in your marital life with your husband or with your in-laws.

We believe that you are upon a good religion and a sound mind not to do things that could lead to unpleasant consequences.  

Allaah Knows best.
