Pay the debt to its creditor

24-9-2003 | IslamWeb


Long time ago I was student in the USA and at that time I had credit card that I used and when I left the state I had not pay the money that on my credit card account. Recently, I tried to contact the credit card company to pay off the money that was in my account but they told me that they have sold my debit to another company that will collect the money from me but I have difficulty reaching this collection company especially while I'm outside state. Right now I don't know what to do, shall I keep looking for that company and solve the issue with them and I might not find them or shall I denote the money to some charity organization.


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ) is His slave and Messenger.


 Dealing with credit cards as well as selling the debt to a third party are among the things that the person should enquire about before accepting to do them. Now that this has happened, you must return the money to the collection company as soon as possible if the loan is due. On the other hand, it is unlawful for you to give the equivalent of the loan to charities or others as long as you can transmit the amount due to its owner even after a period. Finally, you should not pay back Riba (interest and/or usury), if any, in this transaction.

Allaah Knows best.