Cheerfulness Brings About Amicability

When you meet a person and you feel that he is pleased to meet you by smiling at you, dealing with you in courtesy,...


How to Think?

By: Dr. Tarek Alghannam Thinking is a complex intellectual process that is too difficult to be defined, as...


Who is Allah?

Allah is the proper name of the One True God. Nothing else can be called Allah. This term has no plural or...






Thinks he is physically unable to go to Hajj

Question: Asalaamu Alaikum. I was just wondering I am in poor health and wondered since Hajj is coming up if I could perform something like Hajj and still reap the benefits and the closeness to Allah...More


Virtues of Seeking Knowledge

Allah Almighty says (what means): {Allah witnesses that there is no deity except Him, and [so do] the angels and those of knowledge – [that He is] maintaining [creation] in justice. There is no deity except Him, the Exalted in Might, the Wise.} [Quran 3: 18] {So know [O Muhammad] that there is no deity except Allah and ask forgiveness for your... More

Thinking Well of Others Relieves the Heart

Nothing relieves the heart and makes one happy more than thinking well of others. It protects one from the harm of worrisome thoughts that disturb his peace of mind and exhaust the body. Thinking well of others leads to a sound heart, strengthens the ties of cordiality and love among the individuals of a community, and frees the hearts from hatred and... More

The Muslim is in the shadow of his charity

Once upon a time, there was a man named Ibn Gud‘aan. He related his story: 'I once went out during the spring and I saw my camels healthy and with big udders that were filled with milk. I looked at my favorite she-camel and told myself that I would offer it as charity for my poor neighbor, who had seven daughters. I took it and knocked on my poor... More

Prayer Times

Prayer times for Doha, Qatar Other?
  • Fajr
    03:11 AM
  • Dhuhr
    11:35 AM
  • Asr
    02:58 PM
  • Maghrib
    06:26 PM
  • Isha
    07:56 PM

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AA everyone,

So very happy to find this website and to wonderful Islamic scholars like Imam Badawi teach us so that we may lifetime learn how to be a better Muslim. May Allah Bless you and Bless us all in the ap...

United States 11-5-2018


How often do you perform the five daily prayers at the mosque?

  • Always
  • Most of the time
  • Sometimes
  • Never