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2404 fatwas

  • Very Unpunctual and Misses a Lot of Prayers

    Salaam ‘Alaykum.I am a person that is generally unpunctual for more or less everything and specifically unpunctual when it comes to praying on time. So I miss a lot of my prayers a lot of the times, quite honestly. The whole unpunctuality problem started off from waswasah and now very rarely am I able to pray all five prayers on time. However, I recently.. More

  • Combined Maghrib and ‘Ishaa’ In Light Rain

    Assalamu Alaikkum Now I am on visit to US. Here there is a mosque (with Quran classes and madrasas) where Egyptian Imams (Hafidhs) lead the prayers for more than 300 people including women and children. On a day when there was a small rain in winter season they prayed Magrib prayer and right away prayed the Essa prayer also together saying because of.. More

  • Putting Mobile Phone on Silent Mode While Praying

    Assalamu alaykum. If i forget to make my phone silent and start praying (in congregation) then remember during prayer, should I immediately make it silent or should I wait untill it rings and then make it silent? .. More

  • Unable To Wake Up For Fajr Prayer

    Assalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullahDear Shaykh No matter how much I try I am unable to wake up for Fajar. Furthermore, I am suffer from extreme laziness in morning that I am even unable to do my studies prior to midnoon. I feel I am spiritually sick and I am suffering spiritual disease. Please guide what should I do? I really want to make Fajar regular.. More

  • Saying the Opening Supplication in the Third Rak’ah

    Assalamu aleykum. I have a question regarding the opening dua for prayer (dua thana). I have wrongfully read this dua in first and third rakah of every fard prayer, I recently discovered my mistake as the dua should only be read at first rakah. Are all the prayers I performed like this in my life invalid now? Hope you can answer .Thank you .. More

  • She Prays Fajr 15 Minutes before Sunrise

    Assslam Alikum Shaikh, hope this reaches you in the best of health and emaan. I am writing this question on behalf of my wife on the importance of praying fajr at an early time. Alhumdullilah she is a practicing Muslim and she is knowledgeable about the deen. Since we had a baby, she doesn’t get a proper sleep since the baby wakes up many times throughout.. More

  • Loses Khushoo' in Prayer Due to Whispers

    I get these whispers for example in Salah and I lose Kushoo saying “so what if Allah is infront of me while I pray” then other times I understand how big of a deal it is and what it means if Allah is infront of me and I have more Kushoo. What should I do? .. More

  • Scholars Differed About the Ruling on Abandoning the Prayer

    Asalaam alaikum. i know islamweb hold opinion abandon salah is minor kufr so i thought you were right people to ask. I wanted to ask how do the majority of scholars reconcile their view that abandon salah is minor kufr with these narrations. Could you please explain how they would intrepret the following ayat and narrations.1. Surah maryam ayah 59-60-.. More

  • Raise Hands when Standing for Third Rak’ah in Witr Prayer

    If we pray 3 rakah witr with one tasleem, do we have to do rafaidayn after standing from second rakah?( Point to be noted that I am NOT asking about raising hands in Qunoot. I am asking before even starting reciting surah fatiha, do we have to do rafiuldayn?) In the hadith of sahih bukhari there is no mention of Tashahud but mention of rakah, has any.. More

  • Lack in Obligatory Prayers Is Compensated by Optional Prayers

    I heard that our Nafl prayers wont be accepted if we left any fard prayers in our life,is it true? Does the nafl prayers include Salatut Tawbaah and salatut tasbeeh that won't be accepted too even if we asked for forgiveness of those fard prayers? .. More

  • Ending Time of Thuhr Prayer

    Assalamualaikum beloved brother, I have an important question regarding the prayer times and possible mistakes in them. Certain prayer times like fajr and asr have more definite moments where they end, but for dhuhr, it might be up to someone’s judgement and discretion when it ends. I know that as long as the person finish one rakaa before the prayer.. More

  • Following the Imam Whilst Praying Outside the Masjid

    السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاتهWhat are the essential conditions which make it allowed to pray outside the masjid (because masjid is full). And I do not want to pray on the 2nd floor because it is too hot over there.So can I pray at the doorstep of the masjid, or is it not allowed because such passages should not be occupied?.. More

  • Should One Pray the Witr with the Imam or Individually

    ASSALAAMU ALAIKUM WA ROHMATULLOHI WABARAKAATUH Sheikh,in our country people follows Hanafi Madhab,thus in the RAMADAAN after Taraweeh the Imam leads the Witr Prayer Praying like Maghrib Salaat that is sitting after 2nd Rakah recites Tashahhud then stands up for the 3rd Rakah without Tasleem then recites Faatiha and a Surah following it and then raise.. More

  • What Marks the Beginning of the ‘Ishaa’ prayer?

    Salaam ‘Alaykum. Is the disappearance of the red afterglow/twilight (i.e the time for the end of maghrib and beginning of ‘ishaa’) in exact accordance with the end time of nautical twilight or are they two different things (i.e. is the disappearance of the red afterglow/twilight and nautical twilight the same thing or two different things)?Jazaakum-Alla.. More

  • Ascertaining the Direction of the Qiblah

    I am using qibla app in android /smart phone during every prayer. In some waqt the direction in one point, in other waqt it deviates to some extent(several degrees). Allaah knows what is right, but I tried my best. Do I have to repeat previous prayer? .. More