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Her husband said to her "Go to the other room before I divorce you"


Salam alaikoum, About 2 months ago,my husband and I were arguing. During the argument, he told me "Stop acting the way you are acting and go to the other room before I divorce you". I told him,"No,I am not going to go to my room". He said, "You idiot. You just divorced yourself." This incident has haunted me ever since. I have already been divorced twice before so I don't get any more chances.My husband says it doesn't count.Does this count as a divorce? I hope not because I love my husband. May Allah reward you


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is His Slave and Messenger.

We do not know exactly what your husband meant. However, if he meant that divorce has taken place by just saying “…go to the other room before I divorce you...You just divorced yourself (because you did not go to the other room); then this statement does not lead to divorce. So, the bond of marriage is still valid but we advise you to be careful in the future especially that you mentioned that he had already divorced you twice and that there is only one divorce remaining [for both of you to be forbidden to each other].

Also, you should consult the scholars orally about your case so that they would find out from the husband what he had exactly intended so that the ruling would correspond to the reality.

Finally, we find it strange that you say that you love your husband and at the same time you argue with him to this extent. Rather, love necessitates respect and forgiving mistakes and being keen on mutual understanding and obedience in what is permissible and not being stubborn or irritable.

Allaah Knows best.

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