There are 416 articles

  • 'Palestinian children live in trauma without end'

    Ismail Abu Shebab, a shy 11-year-old taking a break from school, opened his mouth to speak - but the overhead roar of Israeli warplanes made his words nearly inaudible. As the aircraft came closer, Abu Shebab grew silent. Abu Shebab suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result of Israeli bombing during the 2014 Gaza war. "We.. More

  • Palestinian minors in Israeli jails face grim conditions

    Israel’s detainment of hundreds of Palestinian children over the past two months has flooded the Israeli prison system and raised concerns about the conditions children are being detained in. More than 300 Palestinian minors have been arrested since the beginning of October, according to Palestinian prisoner rights group Addameer, forcing Israel.. More

  • How tens of thousands of Syrians have 'disappeared'

    Two years after her father, human rights lawyer Khalil Matouq, suffered the same fate, Raneem was kidnapped by Syrian authorities in 2014. She was released after two months in detention, while her father remains missing to this day. For Raneem, the worst part is knowing what conditions her father faces in Syria's prisons. "Our cell was in this.. More

  • Israel 'using excessive force' on Palestinian children

    Israeli forces have been using "disproportionate violence" against Palestinian children as they killed at least ten this month during the ongoing unrest that engulfs Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory. "Amid escalating violence and an increasingly militarized environment where Israeli forces and settlers operate with complete.. More

  • 42 Palestinians killed by Israeli army since Oct. 1

    Two Palestinians were killed by Israeli gunfire in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem on Saturday, Israeli police and eyewitnesses said. Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said a Palestinian was shot and killed after he allegedly attempted to stab an Israeli police officer in Jerusalem. According to Israeli police, Motaaz Ewaisat, 16,.. More

  • Report: Syrian Kurdish forces razed Arab villages

    Amnesty International has accused Kurdish armed units in northern Syria of razing Arab and Turkmen villages, actions it says amounted to war crimes. A report published by the rights group on Tuesday included witness accounts of fighters displacing thousands of civilians of Arab and Turkmen background, and the destruction of homes. The alleged abuses.. More

  • India 'covering up abuses' in Kashmir

    The Indian government has concealed over three hundred human rights abuse cases, including extrajudicial killings, torture and enforced disappearances in the India-occupied Kashmir, a new report alleged. Jammu Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society coordinator Khurram Parvez says that the Indian government had allowed systemic violence to take root in.. More

  • 1,000 Gaza children disabled by Israel's 2014 attack

    More than 1,000 Palestinian children in the Gaza Strip sustained permanent disabilities during last year’s 51-day Israeli military onslaught, according to Defense for Children International (DCI), an NGO devoted to children’s rights. In a report entitled “Operation Protective Edge: A war waged on Gaza's Children”, released on.. More

  • Survivors remember Ghouta chemical massacre

    On the second anniversary of the notorious Ghouta chemical massacre in Syria, survivors recount what happened on that fateful day. Syrian opposition-held areas in Ghouta, eastern Damascus, were attacked with chemical weapons and nerve agents on Aug. 21, 2013. More than 1,400 civilians were killed, most of whom women and children, according to local.. More

  • Babies die in Gaza due to the resource siege

    Sixteen-month-old Ezzedin Jad al-Kafarneh died as a result of an electrical fire at an UN school in the north of the Gaza Strip. "On February 16, UNRWA staff discovered smoke coming from a closed room at a Collective Centre in Beit Hanoun. Preliminary reports indicate that one infant died and two others were injured, reportedly as a result of.. More

  • Thousands commemorate victims of Srebrenica genocide

    Tens of thousands of people have travelled to Srebrenica to attend a ceremony to mark the 20th anniversary of the genocide in the town. More than 50,000 people, including 80 foreign dignitaries, were expected to include the event on Saturday that will include the funeral of recently found victims. The genocide was Europe's largest war crime since.. More

  • Israel killed 23 Palestinians since start of 2015: PLO

    At least 23 Palestinians have been killed and another 2,156 detained by the Israeli military since January 1, 2015, thePalestine Liberation Organization (PLO) said in a report issued Sunday. In its report, the PLO added that 131 Palestinian homes had been destroyed in armed operations carried out by the Israeli army in the first half of this year alone. The.. More

  • Many Egyptians fearful in Ramadan amid new ‘security measures’

    As Egyptian Muslims flock to mosques to perform taraweeh, a special nightly prayer only performed during Ramadan, many say they are avoiding prominent mosques for fear of harassment by security forces in a country dogged by political unrest since President Mohamed Morsi was ousted in a 2013 military coup. “This year I’m going to perform.. More

  • Israeli soldier: ‘We bombed civilians for entertainment’

    According to an article written in Days of Palestine, an Israeli soldier has given his account of the events that occurred during the attacks on Gaza in July 2014. Known as Operation Protective Edge, the soldier described how they were ordered by their unit commander and were free to shoot, in order to take revenge for the killing of a soldier in their.. More

  • Israeli troops told to 'kill on sight' in Gaza war

    An Israeli NGO expressed concern on Monday over the Israeli army's "indiscriminate fire" policy against Palestinians after collecting testimony suggesting that soldiers were ordered to "kill on sight" during last summer's military onslaught on the Gaza Strip. In a Sunday statement, Breaking the Silence, an Israeli NGO, said that.. More

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