• alexe455Afghanistan - Afghanistan 22-6-2011

    Very nice site!

  • Mohammed KiggunduUganda - Uganda 7-6-2011

    Very educative information on the this website. Please keep up this good work of educating not only the muslim community but everybody who gets an opportunity to open this website.

  • AHMADIndia - India 7-6-2011

    Asalam Alikum wr wb

    dear Team i pray to ALLAH to shower mercy on you all and save you from evil and bless u all scholar,this website has been of great help .may ALLAH reward you all and may ALLAH unite all muslim ummah ameen

  • Pharmb150Afghanistan - Afghanistan 8-5-2011

    Hello! interesting site!

  • DR UMAR AZAMUnited Kingdom - United Kingdom 14-4-2011


  • Dr.yousufIndia - India 5-4-2011

    Dear brothers i wish you all the best in this life as well as thereafter

  • Dr .mohammad.yousufIndia - India 3-4-2011

    May Allaha make this site evergreen and helpful to all muslims

  • Abu ahmadCanada - Canada 13-3-2011

    Very beneficial site!

  • Abu AbdullahAustralia - Australia 7-3-2011

    I love this site!

  • wajid RizviPakistan - Pakistan 5-2-2011

    Who is a muslim:
    1. Believes in one God
    2. Believes that Muhammad POUH is the lst proohet
    3. Quran is from Allah SWT
    4. Believes in the day of judgement
    5. Accountability

    Anyone who believes in the above 5 conditions is a muslim, this is according to Maulana Maodoodi I believe but am not sure.

  • johnUnited States - United States 24-12-2010

    I am a Christian who is much impressed with the conversion stories. Truly, hey are inspirational and have made me think about m relationship to God.

  • ayesha sultanaBangladesh - Bangladesh 14-12-2010

    Alhamdulillah ! very informative site

  • muslimsistaIreland - Ireland 28-11-2010

    mashAllah a very good site keep up the good work

  • AbdullahAustria - Austria 11-11-2010

    This is a very nice site and very rich in information and helps people know and learn thier religion. The articles are very powerful.

  • ShaheerUnited Arab Emirates - United Arab Emirates 18-10-2010

    Mashallah.. Nice Website.. very informative and useful. a good recommend.. jazakallah khair