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There are 782 articles

  • Islam: The Religion of True Love

    O (Muslims), the best of people to be produced for mankind! Our religion is full of love, and it calls for love, i.e., the love that is valid under Sharee‘ah (Islamic legislation); the sublime, chaste and great love, the love for Allah The Almighty and for the Messenger of Allah  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ). Love for the Prophets, may Allah.. More

  • Adolescence Requires Understanding

    Adolescence Requires Understanding Adolescence is the stage when the person moves from childhood to adulthood. It is considered one of the most difficult transitional stages as it is accompanied by rapid physiological changes in the physical and mental growth of the individual. It is also accompanied by many mixed psychological feelings. One of the.. More

  • Signs of heart disease

    There are numerous signs of a sickness of the heart. The first of them, is finding it difficult to live by the purpose of our creation, which is to know Allah, the Almighty, love Him, yearn to meet Him, turn to Him in repentance and to prefer doing all this to any other desire. Indeed, whoever gives precedence to his or her whims, over the love of,.. More

  • Choosing a mate

    BY SAFIYYAH YUFENU Discussions with a close friend were once dominated by her excitement and continuous expressions that she wanted to get married. She told me she had a brother in mind that captivated her with his charm, intelligence, and handsome looks. She said that he was interested in her as well. She spoke about many things about him, but none.. More

  • Young Boys and Girls - Who is Your Role Model?

    If a person suddenly asks you who your role model is, how would you react? Will you answer truthfully because you know your role model well? Will you think about a satisfactory answer, which sounds good even if it is not true? Will you consider the question to be insignificant and not think about answering it in the first place? Will you be frank and.. More

  • Weakness and ineffectiveness

    A Muslim is commanded to pursue available means of attaining power and to abandon weakness and ineffectiveness. The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, explained that "a strong believer is better and dearer to Allaah than a weak believer, and there is good in each one. Cherish that which gives you benefit, seek help from Allah and do.. More

  • Children and good behavior

    What is good behavior? Is it to help one's mother at home? Is it not to raise one's voice when speaking with her? Is it to help one's father with his work? Is it to be quiet and not disturb others? Is it to do homework on time? Is it one or all of these things? The situation differs from one home to another and from one family to another. This.. More

  • With determination and faith, midlife becomes a gift, not an affliction

    Anxiety, fatigue, weight gain, hot flashes and decreased libido are signs of menopause. While this “third age” of a woman is generally dreaded, Muslims consider it “the age of maturity” that must not induce despair. Indeed, with her will and faith, a woman can overcome the possible physical and psychological changes perimenopause.. More

  • Bad Language: A Destructive Habit

    There’s a disconcerting new trend among young Muslims: they are increasingly becoming compulsive users of bad language. A section of our youth feels that using wrong grammar or imitating aggressive ‘ghetto’ or ‘gangsta’ speech and talking in a tough manner with others makes them sound “cool”. Almost everyone.. More

  • The company we choose to keep

    Times New Roman",serif">Allah has blessed me with many wonderful friendships throughout my life. Most have served as a comforting, healing balm that has pulled me through some of the more difficult times of my life. Others have created so much drama and turmoil that I couldn't cut them loose fast enough! I have friendships that have followed.. More

  • Hope – the Most Sublime Rank for the Followers

    In this article, we will talk about hoping for Allah's mercy. The believers’ relationship with their Lord is characterized both by fear and hope, such that the former deters them from sins and disobedience, whereas the latter drives them towards good deeds. Ibn Al-Qayyim, may Allah have mercy upon him, said: “Hoping for the reward of Allah.. More

  • Tips on safeguarding and improving your prayers

    The following is some advice to help you preserve and safeguard your prayer, and perform it in a proper manner, which makes it more likely to be accepted, • Perform Wudhoo’ (ablution) properly because the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, said: “Allah made compulsory upon Himself to Admit into Paradise any Muslim who properly.. More

  • Renewing Faith through Fear and Hope

    Texts from the Quran: • The hope of the believers which is accompanied with good deeds; Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {Indeed, those who have believed and those who have emigrated and fought in the cause of Allah - those hope (i.e., expect) the mercy of Allah.} [Quran, 2: 218] They believed, gave up their homes, migrated to strange countries,.. More

  • Fornication and Adultery: Major Sins in Islam

    Chastity is defined as "controlling oneself from forbidden desires due to the love of Allah The Almighty in response to His command, as well as for seeking His reward in return." Islam has always been keen to establish chastity in the Muslim community and has thus legislated many laws that reduce the strong impact of these desires.. More

  • Artificial Insemination

    Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {And Allah has made for you from yourselves mates and has made for you from your mates sons and grandchildren and has provided for you from the good things. Then in falsehood do they believe and in the favor of Allah they disbelieve? } [Quran 16:72]. Allah The Exalted also Says (what means): {He gives to whom He.. More