He may not return to his job that is paying for his studies abroad
Fatwa No: 132945


Salam.. my job is paying for my Phd studies overseas but under the condition that I return to work for them after I graduate.
I am not 100% sure i would be able to go back and work for them after I finish my studies, is the money they are paying the university and paying me Haraam earning?
thank you


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.


You are obliged to fulfill the condition you agreed upon with the authority that provided you with study facilities abroad because the Muslims should honor their conditions. The Prophet said: “Muslims are bound by their conditions except a condition that forbids what is lawful or renders what is forbidden lawful.”  [At-Tirmithi]

If you do not intend or wish to return (to your job), then you are obliged to inform the authority with which you agreed and which conditioned on you to return to work for them (after studies), then they may continue providing you with the money or stop doing so. However, if they ask you to pay them back what they had spent on you (in case you intended not to return to work), then they have the right to do so unless they renounce it.

On the other hand, if the issue is just an assumption or you expect not be able to fulfill the aforementioned condition, then this does not have any effect. Nevertheless, you are obliged to be determined to fulfill your condition and whoever is determined to fulfill the rights of people; Allaah will help him and enable him to do so.

Allaah Knows best.

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