Attending Iftaar held by a charity organization

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Attending Iftaar held by a charity organization
  Fatwa No : 126749
Dearest Shaikh, During a group discussion, I with my friends confronted on the following issues. Iftar arrangements made by Qatar Charity. The discussion is that i told Qatar Charity arrangement is for poor and needy and not for us who are Alhamdolillah in a position to manage our Iftar. But one of our Aalim(Literate) in Hadiths and Qur'an told that Hadiths simply say feed the iftar to people. It does not further clarify rich or poor. Which means it does not hold you if you wish to go and enjoy the iftar. But he further commented on that we should avoid entering Ramadan Tents organised by Qatar Charity for Iftar unless in emergency. Secondly, one of our learned people informed us that the holy month of Ramadan is special for blessings on every good deed which counts in folds. We should pay attention for more in ibaadat then eating and shopping. Especially, people are found engaged in arranging delicious dishes for iftar and unfortunately they miss their rewards of the last count of breaking of fast, "which is clearly stated in one of the ahadith that sum ups like Allah never reject or refuse the duaa of the person at the time of breaking of fast. Referring to this he advised us to avoid giving invitation to friends for iftar or any get together during Ramadan as it will disturb your ibaadat for making arrangements of iftar parties and others. I appreciate the idea he further suggested to call for get together during Eid and other occassion but leave Ramadan exclusive for Ibaadat. Please give your advise in light of Qur'an and Sunnah for Iftar Party and Qatar Charity issues.
All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad is His Slave and Messenger.
Apparently, the reward of offering Iftaar for the fasting Muslim is not exclusive to the poor because the Prophet said: "Whoever provides a fasting person something with which to break his fast will earn the same reward as the one who was observing the fast." [At-Tirmithi] The Prophet did not say, "Whoever provides a fasting poor person..." The term "fasting person" includes both the rich and the poor.
 However, the ruling of eating from the Iftaar organized by Qatar Charity depends on the conditions stipulated by it. If you know that the Charity organizes this Iftaar for the poor and needy people only, it will not be permissible for a rich man to break his fast (with the food served) in its tents. But if the Charity does not make it exclusive to the poor and needy people, the rich will be allowed to eat from its food. Iftaar which is arranged by such charities is often financed by charity money that people pay for the poor, so, we do not find it permissible for the non-poor people to benefit from it.
As regards inviting Muslims to have collective Iftaar in Ramadan or at any other time, this is permissible since Islam calls for fostering affection, love, and strengthening Muslims' relations. Thus, if a Muslim invited people to a collective Iftaar, there will undoubtedly be much good in that. It was narrated on the authority of ‘Abdullaah ibn Salaam, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Prophet said: "O people! Spread Salaam and serve the food (i.e. feed the poor)." [At-Tirmithi] It does not matter whether the one who invited for this Iftaar is one of the attendees or anybody else, for this creates harmony and love among Muslims and calls them to compete in goodness. No doubt, these are part of the great objectives of the Sharee‘ah. However, in case these gatherings lead to much waste of time or involve gossip, then it is preferable not to attend them.
Allah Knows best.
Fatwa answered by: The Fatwa Center at Islamweb

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