Does Allaah’s forgiveness include the consequences of sins?
Fatwa No: 108318


May allah reard you greatly. When Allah forgives sins, does this also include being forgiven for the consequences of the sin? For example in the story of the man who killed 100 people, he was forgiven for killing but what about the harm he did to the familes of these men. I am a student of knowledge. please explain the ruling of repentance for me. Wa salam wr wb


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is His slave and Messenger.


If by the consequences of the sin –like feeling strained, or having a harsh heart and the like -you mean that it disappears like the disappearance of the sins with the sincere repentance, then the answer is yes. If a person sincerely repents to Allaah, Allaah will forgive his sins and wipe out the effects of those sins. Ibn Al-Qayyim who is one of the noble and well-known scholars, said: "Allaah forgives the sins no matter how grave and major they are; He wipes them out and wipes out their consequences without any effort from the person, just because of his sincere repentance and regret of what he has committed."

However, if you refer to people’s rights that a person is obliged to fulfil and which resulted from his sins, and you are asking whether or not Allaah forgives them, then it is known that among the conditions of repentance is that one should give the rights back to its owners. Therefore, if a person repents but he does not give the rights back to their owners, like in case of a killer, then the scholars said that the repentance of the killer and other people is accepted for the wrong that he did, so Allaah forgives him the rights that he is obliged to fulfil towards Allaah due to his repentance, as regards the rights he is obliged to fulfil towards people, then Allaah fulfils them either by taking them from the good deeds of the transgressor or He will fulfil them Himself [by His Own Mercy].

For more benefit on sincere repentance and its conditions, please refer to Fataawa 87903 and 86527.

Allaah Knows best.

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