Performed Tawaaf of ‘Umrah in Hajj Tamattu without ablution
Fatwa No: 117359


Salam I performed hajj tamuttu this year but now i am very sure that when i did the tawaf for the umrah (TAWAFUL QUDOOM) i did not have wudu, BUT the main hajj it self everything went o.k is my hajj still valid because only in the arrival tawaf i made mistake but during the main hajj there was no problem, I have read some scholkars say that cus my umrah was invalidated my hajj is now hajj qiran please could you help me i am in deep stress as a result of this. Jazakallhu KHAIRR


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.


The jurists differed in opinion about the ruling on purity during Tawaaf, whether it is a condition for the validity of Tawaaf or that it is just an obligation and not a condition. In any case, according to both opinions your Hajj is valid.

In order to illustrate this, if purity is a condition for the validity of Tawaaf and your Tawaaf for ‘Umrah was invalid, then you are considered as having started the rituals of Hajj before having completed your ‘Umrah. In this case, you are considered as having incorporated your Ihraam of ‘Umrah in Hajj and started Hajj Qiraan and your Hajj is valid.

According to the second opinion which states that purity is an obligation and not a condition then your ‘Umrah is valid. However, whether your Hajj is Hajj Qiraan or Tamatu’, you are obliged to offer a sacrifice and your Hajj is valid, all perfect praise be to Allaah, so there is no need to worry.

Finally, we ask Allaah to accept our deeds and yours.

Allaah Knows best.

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