He got his driving license with money some of which was taken unlawfully
Fatwa No: 138356


A Salaamu Alakykum Sheikh, Three year ago I used to learn Driving from Driving Institutes/school, I paid $1000 USD for training fee, but $500 USD of it was not mine, I took it illegally from s/one, because I became without money and I was intending to return the money to its owner. Now I have driving licence and sometimes I drive for the boss, and I drive company's car during my duty, from home to work etc. but my position in the company is supervisor and I always in the office. My MAIN QUESTION IS: is my salary becoming Harram if I drive a car during my duty or for my self? because there is $500 in the amount I sent for learning driving. and I always feel my driving licence is from some of Harram Money. Please Sheikh advise me Thank You Very Much


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.

The money that you unjustly took from your friend remains your liability until you pay it back to him. However, this money does not affect your work.

As regards the fact that you paid part of your driving license fees with that money, then what you are obligated to do now is to take the initiative to give it back to its owner in order to be acquitted from sin and so that you would have repented completely from taking that money unlawfully as we clarified in Fatwa 86527.

Allaah Knows best.

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