The hour in which the supplication is answered on Friday
Fatwa No: 144673


Salaam Alaykum Sheikh, There is a hadith which states: The Prophet said: "There is one hour on Friday in which a Muslim does not ask Allah for anything but He gives it to him." (Reported by Muslim.) Long time ago when I was a child my father told me about this and further said that one has to repeatedly ask ALLAH (سبحانه و تعالى) and supplicate him without wasting a single minute or second. Is that true? If we supplicate after asr prayer and then rest will that particular time be elapsed? I want to know how can we continuously supplicate because we might sleep or get tired between asr and maghrib? Moreveor, My father said he should keep on asking patiently like "O ALLAH give me such and such" "O ALLAH give me such and such" without wasting any single duration (between asr and maghrib) and if you got that time, you will get it. I asked even treasure or bag full of money and he replied in affirmative as it will suddenly appear before us. Is that true? LAsting can you guide us for what is the best way to supplicate so that we receive it suddenly before us like a bag full of diamonds and so on? Jazaak ALLAHu Khair.


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