Buying a company’s product to raise one’s membership in it
Fatwa No: 163647


Dear Brothers... Assalamu Alaykum & Ramadhan Al Mubarra to all... I just read your Fatwa 143173. Here in Saudi, it was legal since then when one of American Islamic Organization have issued a Certificate that all FLP products are HALAL. I joined purposely for Health and sure to add my income. Health because since I used to drink one of their product ALOE VERA GEL, my sugar became normal and my daily muscle aches was gone, all my family are happy of using FLP Personal Cares because of its effectiveness. To add income, what I did now is to buy items and sold part of it to other friends to gain profits because as a member, Company gives us 30% less. I only explain some benefits to friends and did'nt compelled them to be a member. If they want Alhamdulillha but if they don't want Alhamdulillah also. However, the company is not obliged us to buy their products on a specified amount and also did'nt required us to recruit a specified number of people, that if we did'nt reached they will not give us Bonus. They gives us option to chose from SR 200 to SR 1,316.00 to become member. If you wants to reach any ranks you have to sell more or recruit more people. But if you don't want, just remain as Normal Distributor (ND) only, but still they will give you bonus as "CASH BACK" for whatever you have sold. In any businesses you may entered it needs more efforts to gains more. Here if I gain more bonuses or profits due to the time, little money and perspiration I spent, is it halal or what? Please I need your more answer to erase my doubts... ASAP. Wassalam, Brother Rasul S. Abbas


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is His Slave and Messenger.

It is permissible to buy a lawful product to benefit from it, but it is impermissible to buy it with the intention of raising the level of membership or the like, since in this case, the product will not be intended in itself, except as a means to enhance membership. In this case, it is cancelled, and the reality turns into spending money by the member for promotion or participation, according to which he spends money just to get money or deductions or so, all of which is unlawful, because it involves gambling and deception.

That the effort is rewarded with profit and the labor with charge, there is no blame in that, provided it involves neither deception, ignorance nor injustice, in order to maintain people's rights and eliminate all means that may lead to hatred and dispute.

Hence, if a member buys a permissible product even for a lower price and likes to sell it to another for a higher price, then this is permissible. Similarly, if a member agrees with the company to have a certain charge in return for bringing customers, or meeting a particular sales target or the like, then there is no blame in that.

Allaah Knows best.

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