Thinking about sexual matters during Hajj
Fatwa No: 164423


Assalam Alaikum I am going for Hajj and very confused about sexual problems and have few questions as under. I appreciate your proper guidance and answer for my confusions. 1- Is it sin if I get natural Erection during Hajj in the state of Ehraam? 2- Also is it sin if I get natural night fall or if I do masterbate to control my sexual disres during Hajj. 3- Is its sin if i get sexual desire and erection but didn't ejaculate or intercourse Is it necessary to trim or shave pubic hair during hajj.? Please help me about all the three quiries and thanks for the same. syed


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.

First of all, you should know that a pilgrim should not think about matters which may arouse desire as this may probably lead him to what is forbidden.

Nonetheless, a pilgrim is not sinful if he gets an erection or has a wet dream and he is not required to do anything if this happens to him. However, it is forbidden for a pilgrim or non-pilgrim to masturbate as we clarified in Fatwa 81150. This matter is even more forbidden if the doer is in the state of Ihraam for Hajj or ‘Umrah.

In case he masturbates while in a state of Ihraam, then some scholars used analogy to equate masturbation during Hajj to having sexual intercourse. So, if a pilgrim masturbates before the minor termination of Ihraam [i.e. before doing two out of the following three matters: Tawaaf-ul-Ifaadhah, throwing the pebbles, shaving the hair], then his Hajj has become invalid but he is obliged to go on it and then make it up the next year, in addition to offering a sacrifice which has become obligatory on him.

If a pilgrim does this after the minor termination of Ihraam, then he should expiate for committing one of the restrictions of Hajj. The doer has a choice to do one of the following three matters: fasting three days, giving charity to six poor people (each person half a Saa’ [i.e. 1,240 grams of rice or wheat or similar foodstuff]), or offering a sacrifice and distributing it among the poor of Al-Haram (i.e. Makkah).

Nonetheless, some scholars did not differentiate between the two above cases (i.e. being before or after the minor termination of Ihraam), so they considered its expiation the same as the one who commits one of the restrictions of Hajj, which is the expiation that is detailed above and the Hajj does not become void because of it. This opinion is the closest to the truth – Allaah willing – while they all agree that the doer is sinful because of him committing this forbidden act. Hence, he has to repent and seek Allaah’s forgiveness for this act.

On the other hand, it is not permissible to shave the pubic hair after assuming the state of Ihraam because shaving the hair is one of the restrictions of Ihraam. Rather, one is permitted to shave it before assuming the state of Ihraam.

Finally, we advise you to be keen on learning the rulings of Hajj before going to it so that you would be knowledgeable about its rituals in order to avoid committing any of its restrictions or be neglectful about any of its pillars and obligations.

Allaah Knows best.

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