Genetically modified food
Fatwa No: 86983


I would like to ask whether there is any Fatwa regarding Genetically Modified Food (GMF). It is widely produce in US, but Europe is not accepting it for many reasons including that Europe believes GMF is dangerous for health. I read one article on genetically modified sheep; the sheep gene is modified using human gene! Such activity, I believe, will not stop here! Taking this sheep into our consideration, is it Halal for us to eat? Isn't it like eating our own brothers since there is a part of human genetic 'growing' inside the sheep? Since it is a very serious matter, I hope that my inquiry will be answered as soon as possible.
*[Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and genetically modified micro-organisms (GMMs) can be defined as organisms (and micro-organisms) in which the genetic material (DNA) has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally by mating or natural recombination].


Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions.


It is not permissible to eat this meat after knowing that it is really harmful, whether what is used in genetically modified food is human genetics or animal genetics.

Because what is confirmed as harmful is forbidden.

Allah Says (interpretation of meaning): {…he allows them as lawful At-Taiyibât [(i.e. all good and lawful) as regards things, deeds, beliefs, persons, foods, etc.], and prohibits them as unlawful Al-Khabâ'ith (i.e. all evil and unlawful as regards things, deeds, beliefs, persons, foods, etc.),….}[7:157].

Allah also Says (interpretation of meaning): {…And do not kill yourselves (nor kill one another)….}[4:29].

There is no doubt that harmful food is bad and injurious.

It is forbidden because the genetics used are human genetics, and it is forbidden to eat parts of a dead person, except in case of ultimate necessity, and this the preponderant opinion.

Allah knows best.

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