Wants to use material with a copyright in his study
Fatwa No: 89966


During my preparation for an examination, I found a website which has information I need for my study. As it says that it has copyright, I am not printing it even for my self-study. Can I note down it's points in my book for future reference rather than checking the website each time I read the given topic as it will save my time? Or can I print it now and destroy it after my examination? The site is available free of cost. Please answer this as soon as possible as I have started studying.


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.


Websites are set up for people to benefit from; this includes reading the content, extracting from it [copying, printing] and the like. Therefore, it is permissible to take data from them, Allaah willing. However, if there is any given site that prohibits printing [or copying] its material, then one has to abide by this, as the Prophet said: "The Muslims should fulfil their conditions within what is permissible." [At-Tabaraani]

As regards benefitting from these sites, in writing a study/survey, or book, or the like, then one has to be precise and trustworthy in copying the text and to mention the source of the text, as these are the moral rights of the business owner, in addition to other financial rights that the owner can gain as this is what the expression 'all rights are reserved' means.

Allaah Knows best.

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