Issues regarding Halaal foods and employment in places dealing with Haraam foods
Fatwa No: 90145


I have a question regarding drinking coffee from store like Dunkin Donuts, sturbucks etc. This store has ham sandwich and other sandwich that made out of pork. They do carry pork in their store. So is it Halaal for me to buy coffee from this kind of store eat donuts, croissant, etc. Also is it Halal business for a Muslim since he has no choice but must sell pork.
Second question is also regarding food and its about pizza. Lots of time we eat pizza from store like pizza hut because our children love pizza. But the pizza is cooked in the same oven where sausage (pork) pizza is cooked and the person who makes pizza has no knowledge of Islam. They use the same hand with which they put sausage in the pizza dough, to cook for example, my plain pizza and also they sliced the pizza with the same pizza cutter that they have just used to cut sausage pizza. Is this Halaal and also is it Halaal for a Muslim to own this kind of business.
I once encountered a Muslim taking off sausage (pork) from a dish and eating that dish claiming that its Halaal to eat. Is this Halaal?
Last question is that if a Muslim work in an American or French restaurant as a waiter and earn money by selling wine, beer, pork is his income Halaal? Although he himself doesn't drink wine or eat pork. At the same token is it Halaal for a Muslim to eat in a western restaurant where they sell pork and wine. Please, answer my question in reference to Quran and Hadeeth. I greatly appreciate your prompt response.


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. We ask Allaah to exalt his mention as well as that of his family and all his companions.


If the matter is as you mentioned in the question that this pizza is cooked in the same oven where pork pizza is cooked, and the cook does not know anything about Islam so that he will discriminate between what is Halaal and what is Haraam, and the utensils used to cook this pizza and the other pizza are the same utensils, then it is forbidden to eat this pizza as it is assumed that it is mixed with impurities, because pork meat contains fat that could spread on the whole pizza. Therefore, it becomes clear that this man who ate the pizza after removing the pork meat that it contained was wrong.

For other questions read the Fataawa 83991 and 83210.

Allaah knows best.

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