The relation between the birth date and naming the newborn
Fatwa No: 99161


Assalamu alikum warahmatullah wa barakatuho, Recently I got a gift, baby girl she was born on friday at 4.45 pm on English 10/08/07 and Arabic 26 Miraj. My question is I don't no how to select her name. Is it exactly necessary to see the date and the timing of a newly born child, if yes please guide. THANKS


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.


First of all we ask Allaah to bless your child, to enable you to thank the Granter (Allaah), to grant you the benevolence of your child and make her grown up to become a pious woman.

The answer to your question is that there is not relation between choosing a name for the baby and the time or date of her birth. However, naming the new born on the seventh day is desirable, and offering ‘Aqeeqah (i.e. the slaughtering done for a new born) is also recommended to be done from him on the seventh day as well, as proven in the prophetic narrations. The day of birth is included in the seven days, according the majority of Muslim scholars. Therefore, if your daughter was born on Friday, then the following Thursday will be her seventh day. As for choosing a name, it has nothing to do with the day or the date of birth.

For more benefit, please see Fataawa 82724 and 87262, both are about the general guidelines for naming children, Fatwa 97201 about the myths of influence of letters on the personalities, and Fataawa 85039 and 82923 about astrology.

Allaah Knows best.

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