Worried that her Du’aa' might have caused the death of her relative
Fatwa No: 99858


Asalamualaikum, Few years ago I uttered something against one of my relative and his family out of extreme anger for no faults of theirs.I did this privately by saying "may no good come to you and your family".I did this out extreme anger and rage and didn't intend any harm.2weeks later his father expired following a complication from surgery.I had prayed sincerely for his recovery when he was hospitalised.He was a very pious and religious man who doesn't desrve to be cursed.Ever since I started feeling guilty thinking he died cos of what i must have uttered though I did n't intend such a thing.I was not a very good person then.Now Alhamdullialah Allah has guided me to the right path and a true muslim in the real sense.I feel I am the most sinful person in this world.I have developed anxiety disorder and am always tensed and worried.Allah has been very merciful to me by guiding me and I am scared of losing the Almighty's mercy.Something in me keeps whispering I am responsible for his death, I try to ward of all that saying "what Allah wills will happen' I am on the verge on nervous breakdown.Is it possible that what i said could have affected him cos he was not a person deserving.I have repented toAllah swt and hasten to do good deeds as I feel I am short of good deeds. I pray for him and his family in all my prayers.I have gained good control over my anger and keep myself busy with dikhr and remebrance of Allah. Please advise me and make dua's for me to make me srtong.I feel helpless at times and am always worried and tensed.I know i have done a major sin.Could it be possible for someone's curse to cause death? that too if the person is not deserving?I had prayed sincerely for his recovery when he was hospitalised.But these whispers are disturbing me. please advise me at the earliest possible. salam. salam.


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.


It is not permissible for a person to supplicate against another person without right, and whoever does so is a transgressor. The Prophet informed us that Allaah does not answer the supplication which is said without right (of a transgressor). The Prophet said: "The supplication of a person is answered as long as he/she does not supplicate for a sin, or for the cutting of relations with kinship." [Muslim]

Since you repented from your supplication against your relative and supplicated good for him, then we hope that Allaah will accept your repentance.

As regards the father of the person whom you supplicated against, then your supplication for him to recover proves that you did not intend him when you supplicated against his son. Even if you had supplicated against him, Allaah would not have answered your supplication because you have transgressed in it, so you should not think that he died because of your supplication. Therefore, you should avoid those whispers and you should not despair from the Mercy of Allaah as it is only the misguided people who despair from His Mercy.

Finally, we advise you to fear Allaah and be keen to perform acts of obedience to Him and be steadfast on His Legislation. Moreover, you should avoid dispraised anger as this is one of the ways of the devil, and you should treat people kindly. Allaah Says (what means): {And speak to people good [words].}[Quran 2:83]. Besides, you should avoid backbiting and slandering as these are one of the grave major sins, and whoever repents, Allaah accepts his repentance.

Allaah Knows best.

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