There are 27 articles

  • Rulings on Mixed Workplaces and Co-Education

    · Women working with men You have explained the limits of man's interaction with women, and what is permissible and what is not. What is the ruling on the relationship between a man and woman at work? Is she allowed to work in a place where there are non-Mahram (marriageable) men, since this is common in many countries? My opinion is that.. More

  • Dangers of Women Entering Men's Fields of Work - II

    Allah The Almighty commands the believing women to reduce their sight and guard their private parts, and not to expose their adornment except what necessarily appears thereof. He also orders them to let their headcovers fall over their chests, and this implies that they should screen the head and face. How can one reduce the sight, guard the private.. More

  • Dangers of Women Entering Men's Fields of Work - I

    The call for women to go out to work in the same field as men, (thus leading to impermissible free mixing) under the claim that it is an inescapable aspect of the modern era and civilization is fraught with danger. This is because it leads to serious and calamitous consequences, besides being in opposition to the texts based on the Sharee‘ah (Islamic.. More

  • Working women according to Islam - II

    Men and women have their own responsibilities and specialties in building this glory as Allah has divided different abilities between them. Each of these specialties is pivotal and cannot be belittled, underestimated or dispensed with. Men are responsible for production, developing wealth, earning a livelihood and defending the house, while women are.. More

  • Working women according to Islam - I

    In principle, a woman's work in Islam should be at home where she can take care of her husband's property, organize his life and manage the affairs of her house. In her house, she works towards achieving the goals of marriage and noble motherhood devotedly and sincerely. Since it is the duty of the husband to earn money, she has to spend it wisely to.. More

  • Learning on the job

    By Salma Sanwari Motherhood is an ever-evolving vocation. A mom who is not constantly learning and inquiring may find that homemaking and child rearing responsibilities are surpassing her intellectual capabilities. In fact, I have heard many moms say that they feel as if their intelligence is regressing day by day. They spend most of their day tending.. More

  • Single moms working double-duty

    By Salma Sanwari Whether due to divorce or a husband’s death, more and more Muslim women are finding themselves raising their children alone than ever before. Less than a quarter of American households are nuclear family homes and we are finding that many of these American homes actually represent Muslim families. In previous generations, divorce.. More

  • The challenges faced by working Muslim women

    BY SAFIYAH YUFENU It is well established that Allah allows women to make choices in regards to balancing responsibilities within and outside of the home. Muslim women choose to work outside of the home for various reasons. Some want to supplement the income of their husbands in order to achieve higher living standards. Others want to establish college.. More

  • Improper dress for women and intermingling between sexes

    The greatest and most important of all the favors and blessings bestowed by Allah is Islam and the honorable Islamic law, which is derived from the Book of Allah and the Prophetic Sunnah. This Law has outlined all that which is beneficial for mankind in this life and the Hereafter. One of the virtues of this Law is that its rules and regulations have.. More

  • Employment concerns for working Muslim women – I: Islamic guidelines

    Before a Muslim woman seeks employment, she must carefully weigh all of her options and prepare herself for inevitable challenges. Every day, many Muslim women cope with the challenge of working in a non-Muslim environment: a male employee offers his hand during introductions, other employees begin to discuss private aspects of their lives at lunch,.. More

  • Employment concerns for working Muslim women – II: Working from home (a solution)

    For single and marriedsisters who must work due to financial need, this presents a perplexing dilemmaon one hand the true economic need is there, on another the tremendoustemptation and tribulation. These hardships have led some sisters in direstraights to turn to their local mosques for financial aid or in humiliation tothe welfare system; in most.. More

  • Intermixing between the sexes: A disease in the Muslim community

    In this age, human communities have been afflicted by many maladies that are accumulating and suffocating us. If they were more fortunate, they would rather have been living in a contaminated environment full of germs that attack their bodies and souls and almost destroy them, but, sadly, reality is far worse. Intermixing between the sexes is one of.. More