There are 227 articles

  • Muslim women in the field of medicine - I

    In this article, we will examine two main points: 1- The regulations of the Sharee‘ah (Islamic legislation) with respect to women working in the field of medicine. 2- The hopes that the Ummah (Muslim nation)has pinned on those who work in this field. We should first speak generally about the role of women in society under Islam before speaking.. More

  • Women: A Source of Happiness or Pessimism?

    Some might say: How could a woman be a great reason for happiness when she is described in some Prophetic Hadeeths (narrations) as a source of pessimism? In order to understand this and know the truth about it in the Religion of Allah The Almighty and the guidance of His Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, the discussion must be derived from.. More

  • The obligation of giving Zakah of jewelry - II

    If someone says, "What is the answer to the Hadeeth (narration) on which those who do not oblige Zakah (purifying alms) on jewelry base their argument?" The Hadeeth was narrated by Ibn Al-Jawzi, may Allah have mercy upon him, on the authority of ‘Aafiyah ibn Ayyoob, from Al-Layth ibn Sa‘d, from Az-Zubayr, from Jaabir, may Allah.. More

  • The obligation of giving Zakah of jewelry - I

    Both the Quran and Sunnah (tradition) clearly indicate the obligation of Zakah (purifying alms) on women's gold and silver jewelry even if it is kept for the purpose of wearing or lending. This includes necklaces, bracelets, rings or any gold or silverware when they reach the Nisaab (minimum taxable amount) every Hijri year, or when the owner has gold,.. More

  • How to maintain a healthy home

    Health is a blessing from Allah The Almighty, the virtue of which is not recognized by many people. The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: “There are two blessings which many people waste: (they are) health and free time (for doing good).” [Al-Bukhari, At-Tirmithi and Ibn Maajah] Health is a crown that adorns healthy people,.. More

  • A wake-up call to passive women

    This is a call to the women who are not active seekers of knowledge. Wake up and discard your lassitude! Your long dormancy and passivity is no longer acceptable. Why is it that over the years you have neglected the duty of acquiring and propagating Islamic knowledge, while you sleep peacefully and with a clear conscience? Do you approve that your.. More

  • False allegations against Hijab

    It is falsely alleged that chastity is a behavior which stems from a chaste self which hates filth and insolence and that wearing the Hijab (Islamic covering) and avoiding intermixing with non-Mahram (marriageable) men does not necessarily mean purity of behavior and avoiding impermissible things. To substantiate such claims, the advocates of corruption.. More

  • Your smile is the key to your happiness

    Constant frowning adds to man’s anxieties, sorrows, and agonies, which might lead to early aging and other serious conditions. On the contrary, a smile kindles happiness in your soul and instils hope within your heart as well as within other people’s hearts. Do yourself a favor: smile, so that you are happy and make your family and those.. More

  • Balancing cooking & worship in Ramadan

    The blessed month of Ramadan is fast approaching and many of us are busy making preparations to make this a special time for our families. Ramadan is a time for voluntary acts of worship, sharing with those who are less fortunate, and reflecting on the message that Allah has given to us. Overall, the goal of this month is to develop ourselves spiritually.. More

  • An Urgent Message to My Muslim Sisters in Ramadan

    Dear Muslim sisters everywhere, I wish all goodness for every Muslim woman on earth, and I ask Allah The Almighty to make you and us all to witness the month of Ramadan, accept our acts of obedience in it, and assist us during it. I am writing this especially for you, my sister, and wish to highlight some thoughts and ideas within it that could be.. More

  • The Preventative Remedy for Spinsterhood

    We have previously spoken about the causes of spinsterhood and then about its impact and harms. It is now necessary to speak about the practical solution to this problem that has become phenomenal in many Muslim societies. At the outset, I would like to state that this calamity has not occurred overnight or by chance. Our society has caused it and.. More

  • Miserly husbands and the alienation of the wife and children

    “They call me a miser. This is not true. I do not have much money. I am simply saving money for the coming days. I am afraid of being in need of money. Will you give me money when I retire? An Arabic proverb says, ‘A penny saved in welfare will be useful in calamities.’ This is the rule that I follow. I am not mean but people don’t.. More

  • Increasing Weight During Ramadan

    Question: How can I increase my weight during Ramadan, or at least maintain the same weight, because I am very skinny? Answer: Assalaamu ‘Alaykum, dear sister Maha. I hope that you are not skinny due to a physical problem, like being diabetic for example. This does not seem to be the case from the way you stated your question. Therefore,.. More

  • It takes a strong woman to carry a home

    BY SALMA SANWARI There is an old Mexican proverb: “The house does not rest upon the ground, but upon a woman.” A strong woman is the foundation of a solid family; she holds it together and guards it. A woman leads and protects her children, she serves and tends her husband, and she preserves and respects herself. If a woman can ensure her.. More

  • War on Hijab

    Islam came to perfect noble morals and call for avoiding everything that stirs human urges and desires for the sake of reforming humanity and raising it above bestiality and disorder to attain higher levels of chastity and purity. The Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, said: “Indeed, I was sent to perfect noble morals.” Sexual desires.. More