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There are 846 articles

  • UN: At least 733 Iraqis killed in January

    The United Nations has said that at least 733 Iraqis were killed during violence in January, even when leaving out casualties from an embattled western province of Anbar. The figures issued on Saturday by the UN's mission to Iraq (UNAMI) show that 618 civilians and 115 members of the security forces were killed last month. Baghdad was the worst affected.. More

  • Syrian refugees focus on survival, not Geneva

    Thousands of displaced families living in Lebanon are focused on daily concerns rather than ‘peace talks’. As delegates meet in Geneva for a second time to discuss peace in Syria, Lebanese army tanks rolled past bullet-scared buildings in Tripoli's Sunni neighborhood of Bab al-Tabbaneh. Watching them pass along Syria Street, men on the.. More

  • Report: Syria tortured and executed 11,000

    The regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has systematically killed and tortured about 11,000 people, according to a reported based on the evidence of a defector and produced by three former international prosecutors. The report, commissioned by the government of Qatar and released on Tuesday, examined thousands of pictures said to have been smuggled.. More

  • UN: attacks on West Bank Palestinians on rise

    The number of attacks on Palestinians by Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank has increased every year for the past eight years, according to figures from the United Nations. About 2,100 attacks have been launched by Israelis since 2006 and annual totals are up from 115 that year to 399 in 2013, according to the UN, which started counting such.. More

  • Nigerian Muslims urge government to 'redress injustices'

    Thousands of Nigerian Muslims on Sunday urged authorities to "redress the many injustices" against Muslims but reiterated readiness to work with Nigerians of other faiths for the benefit of their country. "We frown at the continued marginalization of the Muslims across the country and in Lagos," Prof Ishaq Oloyede, of the Nigerian.. More

  • Palestinians thirst for water treatment plant

    Khaled Sabra stands next to a broken cement wall across from his house in the Palestinian village of Bruqin. Last winter, the rains caused the stream running below the wall to rise until it overflowed, flooding Sabra's house and other homes in the center of the village. The water also carried sewage and industrial effluent from the Palestinian village.. More

  • Pakistan and US: Hand-in-hand on drone deaths

    While publicly condemning US drone attacks on its soil, evidence suggests Pakistani government complicity. Pakistan's government and political parties are once again up in arms over the latest drone strikes by the US in tribal areas. For years, Pakistani governments - both the quasi-military rule under former military ruler General Pervez Musharraf.. More

  • Amnesty: EU failing Syrian refugees

    European leaders should "hang their heads with shame" over their treatment of Syrian refugees fleeing the country's brutal crackdown, rights group Amnesty International has said. In a briefing, released on Friday, entitled; "An international failure: The Syrian refugee crisis", the rights group states that European Union (EU).. More

  • No end in sight for Egypt crackdown

    On the morning of October 31, 15-year-old Yomna Abu Eissa was wearing her school uniform and carrying her backpack when she was handcuffed and taken into custody in Alexandria, Egypt's second-biggest city . Her school uniform was ultimately replaced by the plain white garments worn by prisoners. In November, a court sentenced Yomna to 11 years in prison.. More

  • Iran accused of mistreating Afghan migrants

    A new Human Rights Watch report has criticized the Iranian government for ill-treatment of Afghan migrants, including the detention and deportation of thousands of Afghans each year. The report, Unwelcome Guests: Iran's Violation of Afghan Refugee and Migrant Rights, released at a Kabul press conference last week, calls for action by both Kabul and.. More

  • UNRWA: Israeli curbs halt Gaza projects

    The UN says it has halted work on all but one of its 20 building projects in the Gaza Strip as a result of an Israeli ban on importing building materials into the Palestinian territory. Israel imposed the ban after discovering on October 13 a 2.5km tunnel which it said "fighters planned to use for attacks inside its territory." "We.. More

  • Controversy as Palestinian prisoners freed

    Twenty-six Palestinian prisoners, some held in Israeli jails for more than two decades, were released to their families in a "gesture of good faith" by Israel's government. But critics say Tuesday's move should have been made decades ago under the Oslo Accords, and that the Palestinian Authority (PA) is milking the release for its own political.. More

  • Egypt tunnel closure costs Gaza millions

    Egypt's closure of tunnels used to smuggle goods into the Gaza strip has caused monthly losses of $230 million to its economy, a Hamas official has said. The "closure of the tunnels caused heavy losses to the industry, commerce, agriculture, transport and construction sectors" of about $230 million monthly, said Hatem Oweida, deputy economy.. More

  • UN: Refugee numbers at highest in 19 years

    The UN says there are now more refugees than at any time since 1994. Thousands of asylum-seekers, mainly from Afghanistan and the Middle East, head to Indonesia each year to make the dangerous voyage across the Indian ocean to Australia. They are seeking a new life, fleeing war, political unrest, and poverty. The influx of asylum-seekers is a major.. More

  • Occupation costs Palestinians 'billions'

    The Palestinian economy could expand by over a third if Israel were to lift its restrictions on about 60 percent of the West Bank that it controls, the World Bank said. "More than half the land in the West Bank, much of it agricultural and resource rich, is inaccessible to Palestinians," the World Bank said in a report released on Tuesday. "T.. More