Forbids her sister from entering her house except if she wears Hijab
Fatwa No: 106968


Salam Alaykom. I have a long story to tell so please, jazak'allah khair, for reading and responding, and may Allah reward you. A while back, me and my sister, who is not really practicing being a muslim {not wearing hijab, not praying}, got into a big argument on the phone. She wanted to come to my house to take a couple of pictures and at that time, I had asked her what she was going to wear when coming over. I had mentioned to her that she has to dress in a modest way, because usually she doesn't dress in a kind of way, I told her she can wear ie: jilbab, or long sleeve shirt w/ pants. She replied and got very angry and she thinks I am meaning that she is a bad person. She also mentioned that she may kill herself. I told her that I am doing this to protect her and if she doesn't wear decent clothes, she can't come to my house anymore. After being finished on the phone, I started crying alot and insha'allah Allah will not punish me for this. I am always trying with her and my other sisters also but to no avail. Was I wrong to tell her the above as it practically ruined our Eid holiday? If she did committ suicide(la samah'allah) will I be punished for that? My family members are basically the opposite from me and I am very saddened by this. Alhamdouillah I pray, fast, wear hijab, etc. What to do without having so much problems? Its really messing up my life the way everyone in my family dresses and acts , refusing to obey Allah's orders and all of this is causing problems for me. Is there any du'aa also for chest pain that I have been having? Jazak'allah khair for your time, Wasalam


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is His slave and Messenger.


First of all, we thank you for being keen on guiding your sister and other members of your family, may Allaah greatly reward you.

You should fulfil your obligation of advising them and guiding them in a soft and kind manner, and if they do not take heed, do not grief and feel sorrowful about them, Allaah Says to his Prophet (what means): {Then perhaps you would kill yourself through grief over them, [O Muhammad ], if they do not believe in this message, [and] out of sorrow.}[Quran 18:6]

For more benefit, please refer to Fataawa 91197 and 92179.

If your sister stated that she would commit suicide just because you advised her to perform the prayer and wear Hijab, then you are not sinful even if she really commits suicide. It should be mentioned that suicide is one of the grave major sins, and a Muslim is not permitted to commit it. For more benefit, please refer to Fatwa 84296.

Furthermore, you have the right to prevent her from entering your house except if she wears Hijab, however, this attitude may worsen the situation in the environment where you live. Therefore, we advise you to continue admonishing her and the rest of your family while supplicating Allaah to guide them and turn them into righteous people.

We do not know any special supplication for chest pain, but you may supplicate with general supplications for cure, such as: “Allaahumma rabba an-naasi athhiba al-ba’sa ishfi anta ash-shaafi la shifaa’a illa shifaa’uka” [O Allaah Lord of Mankind, remove the harm, and cure me for You are the Curer, there is no cure except Your cure][Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

Finally, we are of the view that it is forbidden to take pictures of women, because it may happen that non-Mahram men may see them [pictures] and be afflicted by them.

Allaah Knows best.

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