The presence of a housemaid is a problem for him
Fatwa No: 129682


My mother has a young unmarried female worker who helps her in the home on per month payment basis.
She is Non Mahram to me and given that my home is not that large it creates difficulty for me to avoid her completely if i have to move out of my room.
Is it permissible for her to wash my clothes(especially those after wet dream) given that she is in charge of washing clothes at our home?
Is it permissible for me to ask her to prepare for me any sort of meal and ask for other things like clothes(e.g.where they are kept)?
how can i avoid haram? i have not kept her, my mother gets huge benifit from her and things would become difficult for my mother without her.The female worker does not do hijab at our home while working.
I am not inclined to Evil in this regard(Alhamdulilah). I do not want to say anything about her intentions(only Allah knows her intentions) but alot of times it becomes easy for her to see me and I usually feel uneasy.
Jazak Allah


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is His Slave and Messenger.

Employing housemaids involves many dangers, so it is not permissible to hire a housemaid except in cases of dire need. The limits set by sharee’ah must be observed when dealing with them. For further information see Fatwa 92230.

If your mother really needs this maid, there is no harm in that and it is permissible for the maid to wash your clothes, including those in which you had wet dreams. However, you have to remove the traces of semen yourself lest she sees them and gets sexually aroused.

Moreover, it is permissible for you to talk with her to the extent needed and within the limits of politeness. You should lower your gaze from her, and you are not allowed to be in seclusion with her or stand with her in a manner that arouses suspicion. For further benefit see Fatwa 91455.

Finally, we advise you to marry as soon as possible and try to live in an independent house in order to avoid the means of temptation.

Allaah Knows best.

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