A manager making fake accounts to pay for the short of money he is not responsible for
Fatwa No: 140930


asalam alaykum,i am a manager of a company and i say i have used money in various activities which in real sense i havent used.i do this to pay for the short of money that arise daily and which i cannot account for. am i doing wrong?,because i havent taken the money and i cannt aford to pay.please advice ,shukran


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.

It is not permissible for you to do that as this is betraying the trust with which you were entrusted. However, you have to clarify the matter: if you did any mistake, you should bear the responsibility for it, but the mistakes that you did not do, they (the owners of the company) cannot hold you responsible for them as the entrusted person does not guarantee something unless there is transgression or negligence on his part.

If they unjustly hold you responsible for what you are not obligated to be responsible for, then in this case, it becomes permissible for you to repel the injustice off you as much as you can.

In any case, you are not allowed to dispose of anything with which you are entrusted except with permission and you should repent from that and not do it again.

Allaah Knows best.

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