Her father refuses to marry her off until she finishes her study
Fatwa No: 183845


Assalamoalikom, I had a proposal 4 years ago which my father denied. I got another proposal 3 years ago and my dad denied it again. I really wish to marry this person because of his knowledge of deen and good character of which there are plenty of proofs. I do not have any infatuation with this person but I appreciate the character, wisdom and islamic knowledge he posseses. On top of that, it is so important that he shares the same perspectives on things as myself, i.e. he can understand where I come from which is very rare. I do not want to let go off this proposal and have patiently waited for 3 years for my dad to accept it but in my understanding, my dad is only concerned with me completing my medical degree which will take another 3 years and then proceed for residency because he is a very career oriented person. He often implies that in his conversations because he keeps saying that rest of the things follow after you accomplish yourself but I can not see my youth fade away. I am already 24 and definately wish to get married now. This person has again and again tried to persuade my dad, offering to provide him references, his record of financial stability as well as educational record but to no benefit. Most of my friends are already married and even have children. I have tawakkul in Allah and performed istakhara regarding this matter & only felt more inclined towards this marriage. Please note that I have come across many other people and none of them attract me because of me being so picky in my choice of who I marry. I pray to Allah to disincline my heart if this isn't for the best but I continue to feel the same. My mother has met this person and is not opposed to my marriagie with him if there is a halaal method for it to happen. My brother who is 20 has also met him and not opposed to him. I respect my parents & do not want to invite the wrath of Allah upon myself but I feel I am being oppressed. Please advice me as to what I should do. Jazakallah Khair


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.

First of all, may Allaah reward you for being keen to be kind and dutiful to your parents and avoid displeasing them, and for being keen to marry a religious person who has a good moral character. Indeed, a believing woman should be like this. We ask Allaah to bless you with a righteous husband who would be a comfort to your eyes.

It is an established fact among the jurists that the guardian has no right to refuse competent and suitable men who propose to marry the woman under his guardianship. The study is not a sound reason for refusing them, as it is not an obstacle to marriage in general.

Therefore, if this young man is religious and has a good moral character, you should try to convince your father to accept his marriage to you. You should supplicate Allaah to help you in this, as Allaah ordered us to supplicate Him and He promised us to answer our supplication; Allaah Says (what means): { And your Lord says, Call upon Me; I will respond to you.” Indeed, those who disdain My worship will enter Hell [rendered] contemptible.} [Quran 40:60]

Then, seek the help of some people who may influence your father. Also, it might be that if you indicate to your father to condition on the person who proposes to marry you that he must let you continue your studies after marriage, then this will help in convincing him. If the husband accepts such a condition, he is obliged to fulfill it as we clarified in Fatwa 131714.

However, if your guardian is not convinced to marry you off, and he has no sound reason for refusal, then he is objecting to your marriage without a sound reason. In this case, you have the right to take the matter to an authority which is specialized in looking into the affairs of the Muslims so that they would study your case and if it is confirmed that your father is objecting to your marriage without a sound reason, then they would marry you off or appoint someone to marry you off.

Finally, if marriage is not facilitated to you, then you should be patient and keen to do any good acts that would help you keep your chastity, like fasting, keeping company with righteous women and keeping away from all temptations.

We ask Allaah to grant you all good and success.

Allaah Knows best.

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