Girl Studying Abroad Without Her Family
Fatwa No: 84744


What is the Hukm for the girl who is studying outside her country without any of her family with her? Is it allowed for study she couldn't do in her country but abroad? Is it Halal?


All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.

No Muslim woman should travel without being accompanied by a Mahram for the sound Hadeeth reported by Al-Bukhari and Muslim that the Prophet said: “No woman should travel for more than three days except if accompanied by a Mahram of hers.

This ruling concerns traveling within a Muslim country, so the prohibition becomes more emphatic if she is traveling to a non-Muslim country.

The scholars who permitted the travel of women with trustworthy company limited that permission to obligatory travel, such as Hajj.

As for traveling to non-Muslim countries without real necessity, it is forbidden even with a Mahram, let alone without a Mahram. Anyway, you should not travel without being accompanied by a Mahram. The knowledge you want to acquire in that place should not be a knowledge you can get in your country. You should also be sure that you can study without being tempted by vices and without mixing with non-Mahram men. This is almost impossible in universities in Muslim countries, let alone in universities in non-Muslim countries.

For more benefit on studying in non-Muslim countries, please refer to Fatwa 82091.

For more benefit on Muslims living in non-Muslim countries, please refer to Fataawa 81142, 86405, 88291, 377986, 81642, 369667, 81464 and 89879.

Allah knows best.

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