Wants Wife and Family with Him Abroad But His Parents Object
Fatwa No: 84804


I am a Muslim, living abroad. My wife and small child are in my country (India). I need to bring my family here. But my parents will not allow me to bring them here. In this case can I bring my family here without my parents' support? If I bring them is there any problem with inheritance?


All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.

First, we advise you to try to convince your parents to accept your bringing your wife and children to live with you. Tell them that this move will be of great religious benefit. In fact, you will be able to educate your children in the right way and this is a religious responsibility that one must fulfill and never neglect. You can ask some of the righteous people whom your parents trust to talk to them and try to convince them. If you succeed, that will be a great achievement, as you are required to please them.

But if you do not succeed, it is lawful for you to bring your family to where you live even without your parents' consent, and this is not considered a form of disobedience. Indeed, the obligation of obeying one’s parents is only in kind acts and this is not a kind act. Again, obeying one's parents is obligatory unless it leads to committing what is forbidden, as it is forbidden for any human being to obey anybody in doing that which Allah forbids. But you should do your best to limit the consequences that may result from such an act.

On the other hand, disobeying one's parents has no effect on the person's share of inheritance.

For more benefit on the limits of obedience to parents, please refer to Fataawa 271255, 131695, and 123554.

Allah knows best.

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