Woman's Travel with Her Sister without a Mahram
Fatwa No: 84959


If I travel with my sister, and not alone, is it alright? Can a woman be another's Mahram, or must the Mahram only be a male person?


All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.

A Mahram should be male, since it is meant to help, guard and maintain a woman on her journey. So, a woman or a male who is not pubescent cannot very well undertake the duties of the pubescent male.

Some scholars legalize a woman's traveling to perform the obligatory Hajj and ‘Umrah if there is a good and reliable company of women provided that the woman herself is pious and religious.

As for other kinds of travel, no woman is permitted to travel without a Mahram as stated above.

For more benefit on the prohibition for a woman to travel without a Mahram, please refer to Fataawa 262621, 88562, 193077, 102095, and 85945.

Allah knows best.

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