One can pray with the same Wudu he initially did for reading Qur'an
Fatwa No: 86232


Could you tell me if a person makes ablution (Wudu) intending to read Qur'an and then prayer time comes and he wants to pray Salat can he remain with this ablution or should he renew it intending for this Salat?


Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions. If one makes Wudu (ablution) for reading Qur'an, he may perform prayer with that Wudu. This is the opinion adopted by the majority of jurists of the Hanbali , Maliki , and other schools of thought. In his Kashf Al-Qinaa', Al-Buhouti said what means: he who intends to make Wudu to do any act for which Wudu is recommended, such as reciting the Qur'an and making Dhikr (remembering or extolling Allah Almighty), then he achieved purity and hereby he may perform as many prayers as he likes . Al-Mawwaq , in his 'At-Taj wal-Ikleel' said: he who intends to make Wudu to do any act for which Wudu is recommended, such as entering the mosque or reciting the Qur'an from his memory, then according to Abul-Faraj , he may perform prayers with the Wudu that he made for reciting the Qur'an . Allah Knows best.

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