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78 fatwas

  • Ruling on praying in the freezer area in a meat factory

    I work at a meat factory where they slaughter cows and process their meat, the department I work in is the freezer area, the place where they actually slaughter the cow is in another building my question is would it be acceptable to pray in the freezer of this place? .. More

  • Validity of ablution without Istinjaa’

    Assalaam alaikum warahmatullahi wabrakaatuh. My question is " Do I have to perform Instijah whenever I am going to perform wudhu ? " .. More

  • Discharges Emitted from the Eyes Are Pure

    Is discharge from eye pure? If it is come in contact in cloth / body/ other things ,will it be impure? Does purity or impurity depends on colour of eye discharge?If during washing face in ablution this discharge comes out & spread all over the face & hand ,all of those things will be impure and ablution ,prayer will be cancelled? This seems.. More

  • Had Lustful Thoughts and Doubts about Purity

    I had lusty thoughts for 1-2 mint in washroom then while washing hands after peeing I thought I felt a drop come out. Not sure if it's real or not and clothes were a little wet so cant be certain. Plz inform me about the fatwa. .. More

  • Praying in a Dancing Hall

    Is it haram to pray in a dancing hall .. More

  • Issue of Experiencing Hadath Continuously without Cessation in Ablution or Prayer

    when I am in Namaz I get urine drop came out while 1 sneeze in sajdah2 prostration and ruku 3 getting from sajdah then I go to wash and make wudhu and second time also repeated and when I go to the wash room I saw the underwear was wet with previous washed and now mixed with present urine in that wet place I can't find uri e drops so what I do I get.. More

  • Method of Purifying a Carpet or Seat from Urine

    Assalamu alaykum sheikh i just wanted to ask, what are we meant to do if something hard to wash has urine on it. For example, say someone urinated on a car seat or on a carpet that covers the whole house, and the urine dried, are the carpet and car seats tahir? if we sit on the car seat or step on the carpet, are we tahir? can we pray on that carpet?sheikh.. More

  • Performed Prayer While in a State of Sexual Impurity

    What is the ruling, if a person is in sexual impurity and offers salah in congregation, noting that he did so because he was too embarrassed to tell his colleagues that he is in the state of impurity? .. More

  • Pretending to pray without ablution to keep makeup

    A woman who prays five times a day since many years once went to an Iftaar (breaking the fast) party at school. There were mostly girls there, but there were also some male professors. She was fully adorned with makeup. When her friend told her about the prayer, she felt that she could not perform ablution as she would have to wipe the makeup off, so.. More

  • Praying in state of impurity strictly forbidden for one who can avoid it

    Assalaamu alaykum, Brother. I really need your help. I suffer from urinary retention of the temporary type, meaning that after the call of nature, urine keeps coming out (in small amounts) for about one hour, and it then stops completely. Thus, according to the fatwa of the scholars, I have to refrain from praying during that period until the urine.. More

  • Praying in clothes stained with roadside drain water

    Assalaamu alaykum. In our country, roadside drain water usually comes from kitchens and bathrooms. Sometimes people also urinate in the drain. Because of dirt, garbage, etc., the color of drain water turns black, and is also has a bad odor. Is this water considered impure? I mean, if some drops of this drain water get on one's clothes, will their prayer.. More

  • Eating insect by mistake before performing prayer

    Assalaam alaykum. I accidentally ate an insect. I am not sure whether it was a mosquito, a roach, or any other bug. I spit out as much as I could, casually drank some water, and prayed the Ishaa' later on with the ablution that I had before eating it. Was I suppose to rinse my mouth a certain amount of times before praying? Was my prayer void? .. More

  • Performing many prayers with invalid ablution

    All these years, when I performed ablution, I used to first make the intention and say Bismillaah (in the name of Allaah) in my mind as we used to perform ablution in a bathroom with toilet facilities. Then I would wash my hands thrice, and then my mouth three times, then I would rinse my nose three times separately, then I would wash my arms thrice.. More

  • View of Maaliki school on impurity in prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum. When does the domino affect of wet impurity end? Otherwise everything can become impure! If you have a lot of problems with impurities, can you follow Maalik, who I believe said that impurity does not make the prayer invalid? If you did follow him in that, would you have to follow all Maalik's rulings related to the prayer. .. More

  • Any pure place is fit for prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have read the other fatwas, but I could not get the exact answer for my question. I have a question regarding the prayer. I am a university student, and the distance from my home to my school is 47 kilometers. I take two trains to get there. Because of this, I mostly mis the 'Asr and Maghrib prayers in the winter and the 'Asr prayer.. More