Putting on Perfume that Contains Alcohol Invalidates the Prayer
Fatwa No: 86377


Will Allah accept my Salat if I wear perfume or hair gel which has alcohol as part of the ingredients?


All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.

If the perfume or the gel contains intoxicating alcohol, then it is unlawful to use them because wine is impure according to the most preponderant opinion of scholars. It is unlawful for the person to use impure things except in dire necessity and there is no necessity in this case. On the other hand, if alcohol has disappeared totally through the process of manufacturing and does no longer intoxicate as it has changed into a different thing, then it becomes lawful to use it. To conclude the prayer of the person putting on perfumes containing intoxicating things is not valid unless the impurity is removed.

For more benefit on the existence of a small percentage of alcohol in food or other substances, please refer to Fataawa 382309, 327754, 299059, 301753, and 81423.

Allah knows best.

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