Treating the elderly, especially women being alone with a marriageable woman
Fatwa No: 88344


I work for Age Concern as an outreach worker, and have to make home visits for elderly 50+ disabled people. Although I make sure that someone is present at home such that does not occur, but it is not always possible especially with non-Muslims as they do not care. Is it allowed for me to enter a home, or is the ruling same for someone who has gone past the child bearing age?


Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions.

Basically treating alien females is not allowed except when it is for dire necessity. This is to block all the ways that could lead to seduction and temptation.

There is another principle that should be considered in this regard that is not staying alone in seclusion with an alien woman. The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said: "A man should not stay alone with an alien woman, because Satan will undoubtedly be their third (companion)." (Ahmed)

The ruling does not change whether the woman is young or aged, according to the majority of the Muslim scholars.

Therefore, as a basic rule you have to avoid giving treatment to alien women. If there is any necessity then it is allowed, but try your best not to stay alone with them without the presence of their unmarriageable relatives, husbands or in presence of other women.

Also, it is better to search for other suitable work to earn your daily bread.

Allah knows best.

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