Protecting her family against jealous people
Fatwa No: 99098


Asalaamu Alaykum, I have a question. My family is having a lot of problems right now. There are some people who are very jealous, who are trying to break my family apart and cause a lot of fights. They already managed to make a lot off people hate each other within the family. I'm really scared that this will end up in something really bad. Is there anything I can do for my family to protect them from those who are trying to hurt us? Is there any du'a I can read or fast? I'm really don't know what to do anymore. I'll be waiting for your reply. Djazak'Allah Allah Hafiz


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.


Among the greatest means through which a slave may protect himself and his family form trials is the protection of Allaah, which could be achieved by performing the obligations ordained by Allaah and by avoiding all things prohibited by Him. The Prophet said: “Observe the rights of Allaah, He will protect you.” [Ahmad]. Being steadfast on the obedience of Allaah is a means of protection form evil, just as sins and disobedience are a way to the domination of enemies and trials.

Seeking the protection of Allaah and His refuge by supplicating are also among the ways of getting protection. The best thing through which a Muslim can seek protection is reciting the last two chapters of the Quran.

In addition, reciting the Prophetic supplications constantly is a great means of protection; such as the morning and evening mention of Allaah, the mention of Allaah when entering and leaving one's home, and other supplications that are confirmed in the Quran and Prophetic narrations.

For more benefit, refer to Fataawa 83031 and 88092.

Allaah Knows best.

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