The tremendous teachings of the Prophet, peace be upon him

The tremendous teachings of the Prophet, peace be upon him

There is a large collection of the Prophet's  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention )  ideas, thoughts, instructions, teachings, beliefs, morals, manners and principles. The greatness and glory of Islam rests upon these ideals. Only a portion of them are listed here.

Purity of self

1. Wise is he who regards himself small, and performs deeds that are useful after death; foolish is he who is controlled by his desires and expectant of Allah's grace and mercy.

2. The strong man is he who controls himself, not the one who throws down his adversary.

3. Contentment is treasure that is never empty.

4. To give up the unimportant is highly religious.

5. Advice is a trust and wrong instruction is a breach of trust.

6. To give up evil or wickedness is also a charity.

7. Modesty is a branch of faith.

8. Health and comforts are blessings not available to all.

9. Moderation in spending is equal to half of one's income. (Spending with sense is as good as half of one's income).

10. Careful thinking is wisdom.

11. The one who keeps promises is righteous.

12. Wisdom is the greatest wealth.

13. Good speech is the charm of man.

14. Ignorance is the greatest limitation.

15. One who is trustworthy is righteous.

16. Love is not as effective as good manners.

17. Humility elevates one's position.

18. Alms-giving does not lead to decrease of wealth.

19. Don't mock at your brother or you might meet the same situation.

20. Bad manners spoil good qualities as vinegar spoils honey.

Obedience to parents

1. Allah is pleased when the father is pleased. Allah is displeased when the father is displeased.

2. Of all the deeds performed, offering prayers on time is the best, and then the second in importance is obedience to parents.

3. The greatest sins are polytheism, disobedience to parents, giving false evidences and telling lies.

Behaviour with relatives

The word "Kinship" [Rahm] is derived from "The Most Beneficent" [Ar-Rahman]. The man who maintains the bonds of kinship is close to Allah and one who severs relations with his kin is forsaken by Allah Almighty.

Bringing up daughters

1. One who raises and educates three or two daughters or sisters, out of fear of Allah Almighty, will go to Paradise (even if the number is one).

2. Bringing up daughters is a test; one who passes the test will be safe from Hell.

Bringing up orphans

One who brings up orphans will be with me (the Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention )) like the two fingers of a hand (in the Hereafter).


One who is not merciful and kind cannot expect mercy upon him.

Evils of begging

1. One who begs is collecting fire (of Hell) for himself, whether it is small or great.

2. The worst person is he who begs in the Name of Allah and still gets nothing. Don't beg from men for Allah's sake. It is better to demand from Allah Himself.


1. Those who are not kind to the young and do not respect the elders, do not belong to us.

 2. Be kind to people on the earth and Allah will be Merciful in Heaven.

3. In friendliness and sympathy, the Muslims are like a building in which the bricks strengthen one another.

4. To meet cheerfully, to talk about virtues, to prevent people from vices and villainy, to show the right path to those who have lost the way, to lead weak-sighted persons on the way, to remove thorns, stones, and bones from paths and to draw water from wells for others, are all deeds of virtue.

5. To greet and feed the poor, and to say prayers alone at night are the good signs of Islam.

6. Only courteous men will be close and dear to me on the Day of Judgement. I shall be disgusted and distant from those who are not well-behaved. I am also sick of those who talk nonsense, discuss things irresponsibly and are proud.

7. To live comfortably is not arrogance. Arrogance is to despise the people and to reject the truth.

8. Love all; in it is half of wisdom.

9. Don't behave well only when others behave well and to mischief if others do mischief. Instead, try to behave well with those who behave well with you and do not create mischief if they do likewise.

The greatness of learning

1. One who seeks knowledge finds the road to Paradise easier.

2. Knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim.

3. Quest for learning is atonement for past sins.

4. Learning is greater than devotion and optional prayer in importance.

5. Knowledge and wisdom are your lost treasures; seek them wherever they are.

6. He who conceals his knowledge will be chained with fire.

7. Nothing in the world is better than the collecting of knowledge and patience.

From: The Last of the Prophets, by Qadi Muhammad Mansurpuri

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