Her parents forbid her from wearing Hijab
Fatwa No: 87320


My story might seem a bit weird and maybe unbelievable but that’s what is happening to me. I am a young woman, I have a firm faith in Allah, I believe firmly in Hijab that is obligatory on every Muslim woman. I always wanted to do what Allah wants and wanted to seek the pleasure of Allah. I know the fact that this life is given by Allah and he wants women to wear Hijab and I decided to put the Hijab on, but when my parents came to know about it, they became angry on me they stopped me from wearing Hijab, thinking that this thing might spoil my future. I am a medical student and they think that this is going to affect my life and let me not study, and not become a doctor, they think in going to find everything hard on me. They don’t believe me that I want to put it because I believe that its right, but in contrast they think people are playing with my mind, they think I’m still too young to make such decisions. They are making my life a living hell. The only thing that’s keeping me going on is listening to Qur'an and praying to Allah. They told me that till when I’m living with them I’m not allowed to put it. They wont let me. I have no one to tell to and I can’t do anything about it. They shout at me and convince me that its wrong now and that I should wait to get married. They are not at all letting me put it. I really don’t know what to do if you can help me please do thank you.


Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions.


Whoever was compelled to commit a sin and commits it for fear of incurring a great harm such as being killed, being imprisoned or being tortured, then he/she is not held responsible for it provided he/she has no other alternative.

Ibn Majah reported from Abu Dhar AlGhafari that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said: "Allah has pardoned for my Ummah the mistake, what they forget and what they do under compulsion".  But it is unlawful to abide by mere orders from parents to take off Hijab.

Al Bukhari and Muslim reported from Ali Ibn Abi Talib that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said: "No obedience is due in committing sins, indeed obedience is only in good deeds".

So, persevere in putting on Hijab and do not despair.  Try to convince your parents by explaining the truth to them.  Allah will reward you greatly for that.

We hope Allah will ease your matters and make your parents accept the truth.

Allah knows best.

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