Her husband does not like the size of her Hijab
Fatwa No: 90081


I am wearing Hijaab, and my Hijaab covers the head and body, and is in one piece. But I have a problem, my husband does not like the form of Hijaab I am wearing, he thinks it is locking to big, and that it is to long.
What should I do? Should I wear a short scarf and a Jilbaab, so that he would like it? I hope Inshaa Allaah, that you can answer my question.


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. We ask Allaah to exalt his mention as well as that of his family and all his companions.

First of all, we thank you for being keen on wearing the appropriate religious Hijab in a country where probably very few women would do so. We ask Allaah to make you firm and steadfast on this religion and reward you for your endeavour.

With regard to your inquiry, you may wear Hijab in the manner your husband likes provided it meets the conditions of a religious Hijab mentioned in Fataawa: 83702 and 84763. So if you wear the Hijab in two pieces and it meets the requirements mentioned in the above Fataawa, it is permissible, and if you wear it in one piece, it is permissible. The most important thing is that it should be loose, it should not shape the body, and it should not be transparent, and it should meet the other requirements that are mentioned in the above Fataawa.

However, if your husband asks you to wear Hijab contrary to the above requirements, then it is not permissible for you to obey him as the Prophet said: "There should be no obedience to a creature in disobeying the Creator, obedience is required only in what is permissible."

In such a case, you have to solve the problem with wisdom. You have to clarify to your husband that it is only the obedience of Allaah that you are putting ahead of his obedience, and that wearing Hijab is in reality for his benefit. Try to convince him using different methods, perhaps that will open his heart to accept the truth and abide by it. 

Allaah knows best.






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