There are 28 articles

  • Preparing for Hajj and ‘Umrah – II

    After preparing oneself internally and financially for one of the most important events in the life of a Muslim, the pilgrim must plan and make actual logistic decisions regarding his/her journey. While one can always make the trip by himself or with a small group of individuals close to him, in this modern day this is not always the best choice. It.. More

  • Zamzam Water: The history & significance -I

    Introduction Allah has made all living creatures out of water. People require water for almost everything; for agriculture, construction, transportation, and for cooling and heating. But not all water carries the same value and significance? Muslims refer to the water of Zamzam as something revered and unique. They crave this mysterious liquid and.. More

  • The Prophet's Hajj

    In the tenth year of the Hijrah, or 632 AD, the Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, set out for Makkah to perform Hajj. This time about 100,000 believers accompanied him. This pilgrimage is commonly known as the Farewell Hajj (Al-Hajjathul Wida'a). It was during this time that he explained the rules of Hajj and gave his famous speech, known.. More

  • Beyond Rituals: The Ultimate Goals and Intents of Hajj – IV

    Worldly and otherworldly benefits Muslims view the material world as a bridge to the Hereafter. A Muslim needs this world and employs it to achieve his legitimate this-worldly and other-worldly goals. To that effect, a Muslim does not renounce, disdain or withdraw from this world. Rather, he partakes of it, controls and harnesses it but never allows.. More

  • The attitude of the Prophet towards his family during Hajj

    There are many examples, which show the Prophet's, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, kindness to his family and relatives. However, it must be emphasized that the Prophet's, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, household shared with the people what they learned from him. 'Aa'ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, was reported to have said to the Prophet,.. More

  • Beyond Rituals: The Ultimate Goals and Intents of Hajj – III

    Submitting to Allah: Going all the Way A Muslim is, by definition, one that honors the Religion of Allah and places it before anything else. He or she never allows contradicting human's views to take precedence over Allah's Commands. A Muslim sees the Sharee'ah (Islamic Law) as infallible; accepts and submits to all of its dictations even when it is.. More

  • Beyond Rituals: The Ultimate Goals and Intents of Hajj – II

    Emigrating to Allah One may look at Hajj as a physical-spiritual journey to Allah, because in essence, a pilgrim parts with his loved ones, wealth and work and heads to the Sacred Places hoping for Allah's reward and forgiveness. Hajj is also a way of commitment in which one demonstrates his/her determination to freeing one's self from wrong and bad,.. More

  • Beyond Rituals: The Ultimate Goals and Intents of Hajj – I

    Allah Almighty Says in the Noble Quran (what means): {And proclaim to the people Hajj [the pilgrimage]; they will come to you on foot and on every lean camel; they will come from every distant pass. That they may witness benefits for themselves and mention the Name of Allah on known days over what He has provided for them of [sacrificial] animals. So.. More

  • The Prophet's Successful Leadership and Benevolence During Hajj

    Allah, The Almighty, gave the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, perfect moral values. He, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, therefore fulfilled all the requirements of ideal benevolence and successful leadership. People came to him with open hearts. They raced to perform the Hajj with him when they learned of his intention to perform this important.. More

  • Why We Don’t Go to Hajj - II

    Even with the high cost of a Hajj trip, with all the accommodations and fees and services, the irony of the Western Muslim family is that many actually do have the financial ability to go to Hajj. The problem for them is not how much money they have but how much is left over. These families have plenty of money, praise is (due) to Allah, but their.. More

  • Why We Don’t Go to Hajj - I

    Each year, millions of people around the world travel by land, sea and air to make the obligatory pilgrimage to Makkah. We know friends and family that are going to Hajj and we make sure to wish them well at the Mosque or even see them off at the airport. Sometimes we make special house calls to visit a friend at home before he leaves; we ask that he.. More

  • Zamzam Water: The History and Significance - II

    Venerable Even Before Islam After the rebirth of Zamzam on the hands of Abdul-Muttalib, the Makkans accorded Zamzam the veneration it deserved. They used to drink from Zamzam whenever they were about to engage in matter of grave importance. Al-Haarith ibn Khaleefah As-Sa'di narrated that Quraysh always commenced their preparation to fend enemies by.. More

  • Zamzam Water: The History and Significance - III

    The Chemical Analysis of Zamzam Water Dr. Ahmad Abdul-Qaadir Al-Muhandiss indicates that the results of chemical analyses show that Zamzam Water is pure water, without color or smell, has a distinct taste, and its hydrogen exponent is 7.5, indicating that it is alkaline to some extent. A study conducted in American laboratories showed that traces.. More

Hajj virtues