• muslimanAlbania - Albania 28-10-2007

    Es-selamu alejkum brothers and sisters in Islam, I just want to salaam all of you, bye from Kosovo

  • Abdullatee NizamiIndia - India 28-10-2007

    Thank you very much.....
    Unique and useful site is yours. I appreciate your hard work. Your service is excellent.I do use this and get many information espciallly Clearing doubts through Fatwa Centre.
    May Allah reward you....

  • amoudyKenya - Kenya 20-10-2007

    Assalam Aleikum Warahmatu-Llahi Wabarakatuh

    would like to express my sincere gratitudes to u guys! it really is good having alll this information and the services u offer!
    mine will be to advertise about your wonderful oasis to help spread the dawa

  • OsamaAustralia - Australia 20-10-2007

    AL SALAM ALYKOM brothers and sisters,
    i very glad to see a very organised islamic website and full of info and islamic helps, da3wa and fatwa...
    keep up the work and GOD bless u.

  • mohamed Malaysia - Malaysia 19-10-2007

    You have created a great page in ramadan. Thank you for all Islamweb team

  • SuhrobUzbekistan - Uzbekistan 18-10-2007

    Assalamu alaykum va rahmatullahi va barakatuh
    My special thanks to all who worked to update on the Islamic information in this site. This is the best I have ever worked

  • AngelSweden - Sweden 18-10-2007

    Great work! Very informative and attractive site!!!!!!!

  • BaherYemen - Yemen 17-10-2007

    I am so happy to find such site. You are doing a fantastic job. Actually your site is very beneficial....

  • Sadia SiddiquiAustralia - Australia 17-10-2007

    My cousin from jeddah send this URL address to me. I checked it out and it was wonderful and very practical problems shown in this site. I think its good for the young generation and the old generation. Mashallah we should pass this to everyone.

  • muslimahUnited States - United States 14-10-2007

    bismillah alrahman alraheem,
    this is a great website , i would like to thank all those who have taken the time to create it.....its helped me so much, towards better understanding my beautiful religion of islam alhamdila......keep up the good work...
    jazakum allah khair...

    your sister in islam,
    salam alaikum

  • Hind Yemen - Yemen 13-10-2007

    Many Thanks! You have mad a great work! Well Done!

  • AhmedSomalia - Somalia 12-10-2007

    Jasakallah, your wondrful job.Please could you arrange all sheekhs who are reading Quraan in alphabetical order.

  • IramPakistan - Pakistan 8-10-2007

    May Allaha bless you for such informative site. Believe me this site mostly clear all my questions about islam,most wonderful thing is that whenever i asked question, the answer to my problem was very quick so lot of thanks for such good job.Allah rewards you for such job(Inshallaha).

  • SajidBangladesh - Bangladesh 7-10-2007

    Good site! You are doing a great job. Thanks for all who produce this work and help us.

  • Tawne ShanChina - China 7-10-2007

    Wonderful and informative web site.I used information from this site.its great