There are 90 articles

  • Concepts clarified in the Quran -I

    The role of the Quran in shaping the Muslim personality:The treasures of the Quran are hidden and buried as far as many Muslims are concerned, as they have not yet discovered these precious treasures that Allah has placed in it. Besides the fact that a Muslim is rewarded for reciting the Quran and applying its rulings, it is also the case that the.. More

  • Evolution of the sciences of the Quran - II

    After the Era of the Companions It was through the efforts of such Companions as the four Caliphs, Ibn 'Abbas, Ibn Mas'ood, Zayd bin Thabit, Abu Moosa Al-Ash’ari, Ubay bin Ka’b and 'Abdullaah bin Az-Zubayr, may Allaah be pleased with them, among others, that all of the knowledge related to the Quran was transferred and conveyed to the.. More

  • Consistency between the Quran and modern science –I

    Cosmology These theories involve a lot of very sophisticated mathematics for a full understanding. Basically, they concern the laws of motion under high speeds approaching the speed of light (special relativity) and the impact of strong gravitational fields (general relativity) applied to the explanation of cosmological phenomena. What is a wonder.. More

  • The story of Prophet Nooh -III

    Building the Ark Prophet Nooh (Noah), may Allah exalt his mention, chose a place outside the city, far from the sea. He collected wood and tools and began working day and night to build the ark. The people's mockery continued: "O Nooh! Does carpentry appeal to you more than prophethood? Why are you building an ark so far from the sea? Are you.. More

  • The story of Prophet Nooh -II

    The disbelievers remain ignorant Prophet Nooh (Noah), may Allaah exalt his mention, firmly continued his efforts in calling his people to the way of Allah Almighty. The rulers were tired of Nooh's arguments. Allah, the Exalted, related their attitude in the following verses (which mean): "They said: 'O Nooh! You have disputed [i.e., opposed] us.. More

  • The story of Prophet Nooh -I

    Prophet Nooh (Noah), may Allaah exalt his mention, was one of the prominent Prophets whom Allah Almighty sent to guide people to His Path - that of Monotheism. Ibn 'Abbas, may Allaah be pleased with him, narrated that Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said: "The period between Adam and Nooh was ten centuries." [Al-Bukhari] Nooh,.. More

  • How to improve your relationship with the Quran

    It is recommended for every believing man and woman to recite the Book of Allah, the Noble Quran, often, with due contemplation and understanding. This may be done by using a copy of the Quran or from one's memory. Allah - the Most High – Says (what means): "[This is] a blessed Book (the Quran) which We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad,.. More

  • Virtues of reading the Quran

    To reflect upon the verses of Allah is a form of worship; it is something that will draw one close to Allah, Most High. This reflection is not a reckless and wandering one, rather, it includes a study of the classical Tafseer (exegesis) of the verses being pondered over. Allah, Most High, Says in the Quran (what means): “Then do they not reflect.. More

  • The story of Prophet Salih – II

    After they plotted to kill the she-camel, the disbelievers among the people of Prophet Salih, may Allaah exalt his mention, began to watch her closely, observing all her movements. As she came to drink from the well, Masrai, the man who volunteered to kill her, shot her in the leg with an arrow. She tried to escape but was hampered by the arrow. Qudar,.. More

  • The Story of Prophet Salih – I

    After the destruction of 'Aad, the people of Prophet Houd, may Allaah exalt his mention, Thamood, the people of Prophet Salih, may Allaah exalt his mention,succeeded them in power and glory. They, like their predecessors, fell to idol-worshipping. As their material wealth increased so, too, did their evil ways, while their virtue decreased. Like the.. More

  • Quran is the source of glory and happiness for the Ummah - II

    Desertion of the Quran and its types: First: Desertion of hearing, believing and listening to the Quran. You find some Muslims today listening to all radio stations and becoming addicted to songs and vain talk. Nevertheless, when one suddenly hears the Quran, he turns off the radio. We seek refuge in Allah from loss. Second: Desertion of referring.. More

  • Living the Quran

    Allah, the Exalted Says (what means): {It was the month of Ramadan in which the Quran was [first] sent down as guidance for all people, having [in it] clear proofs of [Divine] guidance and the criterion} [Quran 2:185] Since that first Ramadan revelation, believers the world over and across history have drawn nearer to Allah Almighty, rejuvenated their.. More

  • Reflecting on the Quran - A cure for the hearts - I

    The Noble Quran is the words of Allah The Almighty that He has revealed to be implemented as a complete way of life for people. Therefore, undoubtedly, the recitation of the Quran is one of the most beloved acts of worshiping Allah The Almighty. It is also certain that reciting the Quran without understanding or reflection is not the goal: the main.. More

  • Reflecting on the Quran - A cure for the hearts - II

    Fruits of Reflection A slave whom Allah The Almighty guides to reflect upon the Quran obtains much goodness. Ibn Al-Qayyim, may Allaah have mercy upon him, said, There is nothing that is more beneficial for the slave in his life and the Hereafter, and more influential as a cause of salvation than reflecting upon the Quran as well as lengthy pondering.. More

  • Quran is the source of glory and happiness for the Ummah - I

    Praise be to Allah Who Revealed His Noble Book in the best style and Impressed hearts with its good wording and eloquent compositions. He Revealed it in the form of clear verses, Segmented it into Surahs and verses, Arranged it in the best way with His Extensive Wisdom and Composed it in the greatest way with the most eloquent words and sublime structure... More