There are 102 articles

  • Scientific pride and prejudice

    Evolution scientists pass off personal prejudices as scientific truth Most people accept everything they hear from scientists as strictly true. It does not even occur to them that scientists may also have various philosophical or ideological prejudices. The fact of the matter is that evolutionist scientists impose their own prejudices and philosophical.. More

  • A figment of Darwin’s imagination

    If Darwin himself realized the "difficulties" in proving his theory, why are evolution scientists adamant on propagating his hypothesis as natural law? The person, who put forward the theory of evolution in the form that is propagated and defended today, was an amateur English naturalist, Charles Robert Darwin. Darwin had never.. More

  • The Islamic concept of faith

    The basis of any religion is faith. Faith is not merely conviction of the truth of a given principle, but it is essentially the acceptance of a principle as a basis for action. Without faith, a man is like a car without a steering wheel, drifting aimlessly upon a sea of doubt and confusion. What is faith in Islam? It is belief in the Unity of God.. More

  • The message of the messengers

    Allah, the All Wise, All Knowing, All Merciful and Just, created this Universe in order to test and examine His obedient slaves and reward them, and to punish the disobedient. He Says (what means): "We did not create the heavens and the earth and that between them in play. We did not create them except in truth, but most of them do not know.".. More

  • The Islamic concept of history

    According to the Quran, Allah (God) has created the universe with a certain purpose, and all its parts are strictly under His control, carrying out His divine scheme without the slightest deviation. Similarly, man too has been created with a certain purpose. Yet man, is completely free to do what he wants, and act upon his own decisions. However,.. More

  • Islam: a home of tolerance, not fanaticism

    Media speculation since the horrific terrorist attacks on America has pointed the finger at Muslims and the Arab world, and that has meant ordinary citizens of the US and other Western countries becoming easy prey for anti-faith hooligans. Shame. Sadly, the latest horror to hit the US looks to have been caused by people of Middle Eastern origin,.. More

  • Islam, its meaning and message

    One of the serious problems of the present age is that the old norms have failed to convince and hold our Muslim youth, and we are facing a new era of Ignorance, a fresh period of Jaahiliyyah, as the Arabs would call it. Whether this is because Western values have an intrinsic fault, or that some affliction has infected our communications media, the.. More

  • The myth of 'self organization of matter'

    Quite aware that the Second Law of Thermodynamics renders evolution impossible, some evolutionist scientists have made speculative attempts to close the gap between the two, so as to render evolution possible. As usual, even those endeavors show that the theory of evolution faces an inescapable impasse. One person distinguished by his efforts to marry.. More

  • Islam is not merely idea

    No Muslim can accept the categorization of Islam as merely an “idea”. Islam is based on the word of God, revealed syllable by syllable to Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, (may Allah exalt his mention), 1400 years ago. Thus, it is not merely idea; rather it is an idea, ideology, the Truth and a complete way of life... More

  • Who invented the Trinity? -II

    The Church Puts Its Foot Down The matter was far from settled, despite Constantine’s high hopes. Arius and the new bishop of Alexandria, a man named Athanasius, began arguing over the matter even as the Nicene Creed was being signed; "Arianism" became a catchword from that time onward for anyone who did not hold to the Doctrine of.. More

  • Who invented the Trinity? -I

    The three monotheistic religions -- Judaism, Christianity and Islam -- all profess to share one fundamental concept: belief in Allah as the Supreme Being, the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe. Known as Tawheed (monotheism) in Islam, this concept of the Oneness of God was stressed by Moosaa (Moses), may Allah exalt his mention, in a Biblical passage.. More

  • Integrity of the individual in Islam

    There are two concepts in Islam that, among others, define our understanding of integrity; its meaning and method of attainment. These are purity and wholeness. We find that the Islamic definition of integrity resembles the scientific and natural interpretations of the word more than the philosophical or theoretical understanding; insofar that it refers.. More

  • Islam: the perfect religion and way of life for all

    It is imperative that we strive to know Islam. Allah’s Messenger, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, (may Allah exalt his mention) who was sent to the whole mankind, encouraged us to acquire knowledge of Islam in order to comprehend it. Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam,.. More

  • The true religion

    The religion of Islam The first thing that one should know and clearly understand about Islam is what the word ‘Islam’ itself means. The religion of Islam is not named after a person as in the case of Christianity, which was named after Jesus Christ, Buddhism after Gotama Buddha, Confucianism after Confucius, and Marxism after Karl Marx... More

  • The evolutionist’s myth of homology

    Structural similarities between different species are called “homology” in biology. Evolutionists try to present those similarities as evidence for evolution. Darwin thought that creatures with similar (homologue) organs had an evolutionary relation with each other and that these organs must have been inherited from a common ancestor... More