There are 193 articles

  • Maryam (Mary), Mother of Jesus

    This is an article about Maryam, the mother of ‘Eesa (Jesus), may Allah exalt their mention, whom Allah has chosen from among the women of the entire world. Many Islamic texts from the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ) praised her, honored her, and glorified her. It is an obligation on us to defend her and clarify.. More

  • The Relationship between Religion and Science

    Areas of knowledge are represented in the two worlds of the seen and the unseen, or the physical world and the metaphysical world. Man uses all the available tools and methods in his search for knowledge, including innovations and devices which expand the scope of his senses' perception. It is unquestionably known that senses have limited capabilities... More

  • The articles of faith

    There are six pillars of Faith in Islam: 1. Belief in Allah (God), 2. Belief in His Angels, 3. Belief in His Books, 4. Belief in His Messengers, 5. Belief in the Last Day, and: 6. Belief in the Divine Preordainment and Divine Decree (Qadhaa' and Qadr). 1- Belief in Allah: This article means to believe that Allah is the One God, to whom worship.. More

  • Goals of Islam

    A - Worshipping Allah Alone: This is the reason for which Allah created all that exists: Angels, Jinn, mankind, heavens, earth and animals etc. Allah created everything only to worship Him Alone. He Said, (what means): "Do you not see that to Allah prostrates whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on the earth and the sun, the moon, the stars,.. More

  • The Expansion of the Universe in the Quran

    In 1929, in the California Mount Wilson observatory, an American astronomer by the name of Edwin Hubble made one of the greatest discoveries in the history of astronomy. While he observed the stars with a giant telescope, he found out that the light from them was shifted to the red end of the spectrum and that this shift was more pronounced the further.. More

  • The universal Da’wah of Islam

    The Da’wah of the Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, was not restricted to a particular time or place; rather, it was a universal Da’wah; one to last until the end of time. There is much evidence to substantiate this and some wonderful examples can be found in the Quran. Allah clarifies the timeless prophetic role of Muhammad,.. More

  • The greatness of Islamic justice

    Allah created man to be His servant and to implement His Way on earth. If humans distance themselves from this message, then they distance themselves from God’s injunctions. That is why Islam has prepared its followers to follow this righteous instinct; it is a joy to our spirit to stand and think of the greatness of Islamic justice, how fair.. More

  • The Unique Characteristics of Our Civilization - II

    4. The fourth of these characteristics is that it believes in knowledge in the truest sense, based on belief in the purest principles. So it addressed the rational mind and the heart at the same time, it provoked emotions and thought at the same time. This is an advantage that has not been shared by any other civilization in history. The reason why.. More

  • The Unique Characteristics of Our Civilization - I

    Some of those who have written about the history of civilization define civilization as “a social system which helps man to increase his cultural output.” Civilization consists of four main elements: economical resources, political systems, moral traditions and science and arts. The development and progress of a civilization requires many.. More

  • The Oneness of Divinity

    Is there any convincing explanation for the secret of existence? The theory currently in vogue says that all existence is accidental and haphazard. In my opinion, only two ideologies remain in the realm of the probable. We can attribute life and universe to chance, and therefore, existence is meaningless. Alternatively, there is meaning of such magnitude.. More

  • Quran as a miracle

    The Quran is truly a living miracle. Going deeper into it, one finds amazing characteristics from every perspective. In Language The Arabs of the 6th and 7thcenturies CE were masters of the Arabic language. Eloquence and rhetoric were their lifeblood. The liveliness that marked their gatherings, the gaiety of their fairs, and the virtues of which.. More

  • Relativity in the Quran

    The conclusion to which we are led by the findings of modern Science is that time is not an absolute fact, as supposed by materialists, but only a relative perception. What is more interesting is that this fact, undiscovered by Science until the 20th century CE, was imparted to mankind in the Quran fourteen centuries ago. There are various references.. More

  • The beauty of Islam as seen by others

    American poet, critic and author Colonel Donald S. Rockwell writes: "The simplicity of Islam, the powerful appeal and the compelling atmosphere of its mosques, the earnestness of its faithful followers, the confidence inspiring realization of millions throughout the world who answer the five daily calls to prayer, these factors attracted me from.. More

  • Prophethood: the perception of realities

    Everyone who desires the dominance of Islam and who strives for that cause, should realize the importance of the prophethood of Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, (may Allah exalt his mention) and the decisive role it has to play in today’s conflict of civilizations. They should address the issue by re-determining priorities and strategies... More

  • Why Harry E. Heinkel became a Muslim

    My early religious training was in the Christian faith. This, however, was a matter of birth, not of choice - our early religious training is generally in the faith of our parents. Later in life, our religion is usually accepted as a matter of fact. We, however, question and examine everything except our religious faith, particularly if it is Christianity. T.. More