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1451 fatwas

  • When recurrent bleeding is considered menses

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Dear scholars, I got that the duration between two menses is 15 days, as mentioned on Islamweb, so if a woman gets her menses on the 12th day after having become pure from her last menses, it will be considered Istihaadhah. Now my question is: if the menses continue for six or seven days, then it will.. More

  • Cleaning bath from water used to wash impurity

    If I wash my hands to remove impurity under the tap which is fixed to a bath, where the water goes through the drain, do I then have to wash the bath because the water touched the bath before going through the drain? .. More

  • Doubts about purity of washed clothes

    Please, can you advise, if impure clothes washed in the washing machine have been rinsed and spinned five times but then, when taken out, some clothes still have some washing powder residue on them, are these clothes pure, or should the whole laundry be done again? .. More

  • Praying while suspecting something was discharged from private parts

    Assalaamu alaykum. I was once performing ablution, and when I blew my nose, I felt something coming out of my private part, and when I checked, I found a small drop of wetness. I was certain that it was not pre-seminal fluid, but at the time, I thought that it was sweat, since I had been playing sports earlier. I went ahead and lead the prayer whilst.. More

  • Doubting that face is thoroughly washed in ablution

    Assalaamu alaykum. I read in your fatwa that full certainty regarding washing is not required in ablution and Ghushl (bath taken in state of major ritual impurity). My question is: suppose one washes his face three times and did his best to make sure that water reaches all parts and some part nevertheless remained unwashed without his knowledge, will.. More

  • Washing forehead hair in ablution

    Assalaamu alaykum. I suffer from Waswaas (devilish whisperings/obsessive doubts) in ablution and Ghushl (ritual bath). Please clarify these two things. I have long hair. How much of the hair beside my forehead should I wash in ablution given that some of that hair follows in between my two ears? And how can I ensure during Ghushl that water reaches.. More

  • Giving shaving tools to men as present

    What is the sharia ruling on giving shaving tools to men as a present? .. More

  • Woman should hasten to perform Ghusl when she becomes pure

    I know that Muslim women are allowed to delay the Ghusl (ritual shower) until the time of the next prayer if they so wish. For example, they become pure at the beginning of the ‘Asr prayer, but they can delay their Ghusl until just before the Maghrib, make Ghusl, and be ready for the prayer. I have the following questions: 1. Must they pray the.. More

  • Washing body part for ablution fully and then partially

    Assalaamu alaykum. During ablution, the rule is to wash every body part once, twice, or thrice with the exception of the ears and head. So when you wash the body parts, can you wash them once fully and then wash a part of it again? For example, if I wash the face, can I wash the whole face fully once, and then just the forehead, and then just the beard?.. More

  • Washing body with Zamzam water inside bathroom

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. Can I use Zamzam water to wash my body with it inside a toilet? i am afflicted with magic and jinn possession, so I want to wash myself with zamzam water, but I do not know if it is right or not to do so inside a toilet as the water will then enter the drainage. If not, or if it is better to.. More

  • Seminal discharge because of bowel movement

    Assalaam alaykum. I asked a question and was given an answer which was written for someone else's question. I was not satisfied, as the question asked by the other person is totally different from what I asked! The matter remains unclear to me, and I am not satisfied. Please, I ask that I be given an answer that is clear, without misunderstandings... More

  • Allah does not want to place you in difficulty, but He wants to purify you

    Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. I have a question regarding impurity. I used to mop the floor of my house using a wet mop, and I used to mop gecko filth on the floor. I read that impurity transfers through wet things; then that means that now the entire floor of my house became impure. I also read that impurities on the floor must.. More

  • Bleeding during pregnancy

    My wife was confirmed pregnant by a doctor after missing her period for about ten days. A few days later, she started bleeding continously for almost eight days today, and it is still going. Is she supposed to consider it as her menses and stop praying? Or should she consider it Istihaadhah (bleeding outside the menstrual period) and pray? .. More

  • Stepping on dry impurity

    Assalaam alaykum. I accidentally stepped on a dry impurity (feces from more than two months ago that was never properly cleaned. The area is left with dark stains, yet no pieces of fecal matter.) with a partially wet sandal. Then I walked a few steps until I arrived at a room which has a curtain that hangs over the entrance. When I entered the room,.. More

  • Whoever forgot washing body part during Ghusl is not obliged to wash it immediately

    Assalaamu alaykum. I know that if a person remembers not having washed a part of their body during Ghusl (ritual shower), they can wash it when they remember. That said, if a person remembers but does not wash the missed area immediately, is their Ghusl invalidated? For example: they are walking towards the washroom in order to wash the missed area.. More