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there is a male cat (black) in my neighborhood which killed my pet cat & keeps making my yard dirty by passing stools/urine near my water tank. I cant catch it but can kill it. I am very desperate. Pl comment. Can I kill it? .. More
Asalamu Alykum My parents keeps some portion of his meals (rice) aside and then layts on the roof of the house with the intention that the flying creatures like sparrows, crows, pigeons, etc. can eat that. I want to know is it obligatory to the muslims to feed the birds and is there any rewards/swaab by feeding the birds. Hope u understand my question... More
Asalam o Alaikum!! if some insects like ants are killed under our feet walking, cleaning house, or by any other way not having an intention to kill them but killed due to they are large in number and spread everywhere? What's the ruling on it? Is it equal to killing of a man? .. More
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh. A neighbor of mine gave my husband and I a rabbit to keep as a family pet. We love our bunny but are afraid we will not be able to keep her. We rent our home and she chews on everything when she's not in her cage and she needs to come out of her cage for daily exercise. I understand this is her natural.. More
It is a hobby of mine to hunt flies in the air by beating them with a small piece of wood. Is this impermissible because it hurts the flies? Thank you. .. More
Are there Muslim and non-Muslim animals and birds or will they not be held accountable?.. More
Assalamualikum, Can we use electric insect killer to kill insects?
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I do not like to have animals in my house. One night when it was very cold, a cat entered my house. I fed her and let her go. In the morning I saw it was dead. Have I committed a sin by expelling her? Am I considered similar to the woman whom the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said that would enter Hell because she locked up a cat and did.. More
I have a question. The question is the following: There are 10 animals which will blessed with heaven by Allah Almighty. I want to know about those animals; which animals are they, and what is the reason for this blessing? Please tell me about these animals. I know about some: the dog which belonged to the youth of the cave, and the lamb which was sacrificed.. More
Alsalamu 3alaikum. My question is about cats. I have recently been taking care of 2 kittens at my home for about 2 months. After these kittens made a lot of damage to my house, my husband and I made a few attempts to get rid of them by trying to give them away to other people but no success. We loved them very much but had to get rid of them. Now.. More
Assalammualaikum Nowdays people been keeping lizard such as iguana and bearded dragon as pet, i wonder is it permissible? I know that there was a hadith which the Prophet never forbided Abu umair from keeping a bird (nughair) but what about iguana and other lizards (other than gecko)? also if keeping it as pet is permissible, is it permissible to.. More
i like to hunt, and i was wondering if it is permissible to hunt wild pigs if the intention is to give the meat away to someone who will eat it? shukran... More
The other day I witnessed my neighbor a man of Islam abducted my cat and broke her neck in his car before driving away. When he returned I confronted him and asked where he took my cat and he lied and said he had not seen my cat even though I watched him grab her and wrap her in a towel. Every day I have to see this man many times and it torments.. More
I moved into a place and a cat came along. I fed her and she stayed, i did not know she was about to have kittens a few weeks later. I have one cat and three kittens now and four months later she is about to have another litter. My question is this. How do i get rid of the kittens i do not want? I called the Rspca and they will take them and after awhile.. More
Respected brother I have an imported male persian cat which is with me for 3 yrs now . I take very gud care of it but my question is will it be a sin for me to keep d cat away from its female company . I cannot get another female cat as it will cost me 10000 to 150000 rupees and secondly these persian cats require extra care for grooming etc ..Their.. More
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