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35 fatwas

  • Tableegh Jama'ah

    Is it true that some Islamic scholars including Bin Baaz gave a fatwa sayingthat it is haram to follow jamaah tabligh?.. More

  • Requiring Muslims in USA to call themselves Salafi

    I am trying to follow the Qur’an and Sunnah to the best of my ability. However there are some good Muslims who say that, that is not enough. They tell me that I must also call myself Salafi. I know what it means and that I must follow the way of the Messenger and the first three generations. I also would like to know if the Ulamah in Saudi say.. More

  • Is Salafi a right appellation?

    How correct is it for a Muslim or a collective of Muslims to, call themselves "Salafi", and only take their information, and advice from those of this group. Rejecting all other Sheiks... More

  • Sunni Muslims and Salafi Muslims regarding belief

    I converted to Islam about 10 years ago. I have always called myself an Orthodox Sunni Muslim. Recently friends who are as serious as I am about my faith have questioned me about calling myself a Sunni Muslim. They refer to themselves as Salafi. I have enjoyed the classes and the seriousness of this group but some of our friends have left this group.. More

  • Meaning of Ahadith about last days

    There is a long Hadith which states that during the last days there will be many parties and Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) answers to Hudhaifa (Radiya Allahu Anhu) that at that time desert all of the parties. It will be better for you, O Hudhaifa, to die whilst you bite onto the branch of a tree than to follow any of them. This Hadith.. More

  • Ahlul-Hadeeth group in India

    Are you familiar with a Jamaat called Ahle-e-Hadith in India? Is it right to follow them?.. More

  • Calling Jamaat Tableegh to true Islam

    Give me some guidelines/tips for Dawah. I want to call people following Jamaat-e-tableegh (more than 95% of Muslims of India are following this Jamaat, but calling themselves as Hanafees) to true Islam i.e., to follow Sunnah of the Prophet SAWS based on saheeh ahadeeth. These people doesn't know what saheeh hadeeth is. They say all ahadeeth are saheeh... More

  • Teachings of Tabligh Jamaat

    Is it true according to Jamah-Tabligh in pakistan that it s obligatory for all Muslims to go out and preach the word of God from three to four days or three month in life time of human being. When they see someone who practices bidah or shirk (idol) they won't complain they would tell that person to join them and after a while he will know by himself,.. More

  • "Wahabies"

    What is the ruling about the group called "Ahl al-Sunnah Wa al-Jamaah" who are known by the name of "Wahabi"?.. More

  • Tableegh al-Jamaah

    I have read in that this Jamaah is spreading Shirk and Bid'ah is it true? If it yes then explain to me... More

  • The Mahdi and the Mahdiyya

    Please inform us about the following things:1) What is Mehdi 's (Jamat-e-Mehdiviya) Aqida?2) What should be a Muslim's Aqida about Mehdi ?3) When will Mehdi come? Or has he come and gone?.. More

  • Da'wah with Tableegh Jamaat

    Is it permissible to go in Tableegh Jamaat for Da'wah work? Are these people on right path? Please guide me... More

  • The Sanoosi Movement

    We heard about this Sanusi movement spread in North Africa al-Maghrib al Islami, not Arabi! Could you, please, tell us about this movement? Was this a Salafi Movement? Or a deviant Sufi movement? We heard that they had their schools even in Saudi Arabia! Is it true? .. More

  • Difficulty finding correct Islamic group

    Nowadays there are many groups in Islam led by Ulama (scholars). Some of these groups hold conflicting opinions although they cite Qur'an and Hadith for their views. They even accuse each other of being astray. How can we know which of these groups are correct?.. More

  • There Is No Wahabi Group

    Who is the wahabi group? .. More