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7 fatwas

  • What is permissible as a whole must not be banned

    What is the Islamic ruling on female circumcision? Is it a religious obligation? What is the ruling on the law that bans it in terms of their accordance with the Islamic Sharee‘ah? .. More

  • Female Circumcision

    What is Islamic ruling for female circumcision? I heard that some countries like Egypt already banned this ritual. In my home country it is still considered wajib for both male and female. And the authorised party explained that it was taken from Shafie school. Is it right? Here in Japan, a few Japanese Muslims ask me if they must go for a circumcision... More

  • Female Circumcision

    Some scholars say that female circumcision is Waajib, some say it is "likable". Are there also any who consider it as Haram? Others say that only some types are allowed. Please give me a detailed answer about the following types of circumcision whether it is Haram, Halal, Waajib, preferred or others: 1. Infibulation (cutting of the clitoris and all.. More

  • Female circumcision

    I heard a Saudi Shaykh say on Iqra' TV that the Hadeeth concerning female circumcision are all weak or fabricated. This is contrary to what I know and what I have read about the issue. I know that there is a Hadeeth where the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said that female circumcision is an honor for the woman. I just need.. More

  • Female circumcision to beautify the sex organ

    Assalamu Alaikom!! I once read, either in a magazine or online (I am not sure which) ,that female circumcision is not obligatory. But it is recommended to "beautify" the female genitalia in cases of deformity. I posted this in an online forum and have since been asked to provide daleel. I have searched and searched but cannot find the evidnce... More

  • There is no evidence that female circumcision is obligatory

    Dear Brothers I disagree with your view that circumcision for adult women is not necessary. This I believe is obligatory. To give just one such hadith, it is recorded in the Adab Al Mufrad that Caliph Uthman ordered that two byzantine captive women including the narrator Umm Muhajir be circumcised after they had embraced Islam. I wish this view will.. More

  • What is meant by ‘when both the circumcised parts meet’

    There is a hadith narrated by Ayesha that says that ghusl following sexual intercourse becomes obligatory when both the circumcised parts meet. Doesn't this mean that female circumcision is obligatory? .. More