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62 fatwas

  • A forbidden form of rental/leasing contract

    AOA Sheikh, I want to ask you about ruling on rental/leasing contract. If in the rental/leasing contract, it is clearly mentioned that the past payments will be refunded except rental in case buyer can not pay further payments. Is this kind of contract permissible. For example. A buyer buys a house through a leasing company at an agreed price of.. More

  • Some issues about receiving grant for research in Japan

    alsalamo alikom wa rahmt allah I am studying in Japan and my professor applied to the university for assissting money for my research. Usually, this money is transfered to the student bank account and the student use it for doing research . This is the system of the university. My professor applied with my name without saying to me and then ask me.. More

  • Studying economics to propagate Islamic economics in the future

    Assalamu alaikum...Sorry to bother you again....Alhamdulillah I got my answer about studying Economics.....from Fatwa #86231...Could you please give the reference from the Qur'an and the Hadith regarding your Fatwa ? And as i said The way of becoming a teacher in a secular situation,then propogating Islamic eco........compatible with the sunnah?? I.. More

  • Doctors getting commission for referring patients to particular clinics

    please know the concept in my area tha the doctors send patients to a particular clinic and later they get commission from the clinic. is it allowed. when one wants to go foreign he has to go through medical test, for this the agent of Visa sends the person to a particular hospital, he can not go any where else, later the agent gets share in the prifit.. More

  • Using money printed by a company whose dealings are prohibited

    in future Malaysia's currency will be minted by a company called Focus Equity Sdn Bhd which is controlled and financed in part by the Berjaya Group and its largest shareholder, Vincent Tan Chee Yioun. The Berjaya Group and Vincent Tan Chee Yioun's main source of cashflow is their Sports Toto betting or gaming operation.Betting or gaming is clearly an.. More

  • Credit letters vs. Suftajah

    Is letters of credit similar to suftajah? .. More

  • Conditions of the permissible 'lease to own' transaction

    assalamualikum, . there is bank named MEEZAN BANK in Pakistan. this bank is said to be an islamic bank. the give the islamic leasing facility to the cutomers. in it they purchase the car and then rent it to the customer on a particular amount( ownership belongs to the bank till the specified time period) they also take 15 to 20% security of the total.. More

  • Transactions forbidden Islamicly but allowed legally

    What should be the attitude of a good Muslim towards business practices which are legally allowed (e.g. insurance, stock/share busines, interest etc.) but Islamically incorrect? .. More

  • Rules of making currencies

    dear scholars, assalam o elaikum, please tell islamic rules for making currency, both paper and metallic. whether govt has monopoly for making currency or people can do this also like other islamic actions.------jazak Allah. .. More

  • Authority of issuing currencies

    1) Did Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, or Khulafaa Rashideen, may Allaah be pleased with them, issue any currency during their Khilaafat? 2) Does Islam give any principles for making currency? 3) Have the people equal rights for making currency as is allowed in all actions in Islam?.. More

  • Pension for retired worker

    I am working in a private company. According the rules the employer is entitled to give gratuity and allowances (not bonus or dividend) in accordance with the service of the employee when he/she leaves the firm. But some employers argue that it is not compulsory to give the gratuity and allowances. What is the Shariah ruling regarding this issue?.. More

  • Quran and Sunnah as a source of economics

    How the Quran and the Sunnah can be as the source of knowledge in economics? .. More

  • Provident fund for army officers in Bangladesh

    I am an Army Officer in Bangladesh Army. As a rule we cannot do any kind of business except stock exchange. In service, some money are cut off as obligatory (provident fund) which will be given at the end of the service with good interest rate calculated. Again we are given a facility to increase the obligatory cut off money (provident fund).. More

  • Taking unemployment benefits while being outside the country

    I got laid off from work 7/1/05, I am eligible for unemployment benefits from government till I find a job. But we decide to take our kids to raise them back home in August. I maybe looking for job there but not sure if I can take this money or it is Haraam because I will not be living here. Please let me know as soon as possible. .. More

  • Payments for having friends open e-mail accounts

    I want to know about a critical issue and which is very hot these days in our university. There is a site and it gives dollars criteria as given below: 1) Each e-mail when checked is worth at least 2 US$ and it goes to 5 and 10$. 2) The e-mails are basically advertisement. 3) If someone invites his friends to open.. More